Chapter Seven

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   Namjoon pulls up into the driveway. Today he was let off from work a little earlier than usual, so he offered to pick up the Korean Fried Chicken that he and his husband had talked about earlier. He pops the door open, grabs the food and is humming while climbing out. After shutting the door to his police car and making sure it locked, he continues to hum while walking up to his humble abode.

   "Hello family, appa's home, that's right appa's home and he has chicken too!" Namjoon let's out once he enters the house.

   However, he's not met with his noisy kids. It's oddly quiet. Nonetheless, he walks down the small corridor leading into the living room and sees Jin sitting down on the couch. He looks like he had been crying, his nose and eyes puffy and red. He also holds a tissue in one of his hands.

   Across from him, sits what he can only recognize as Yoongi, with his familiar black hoodie covering his head. Namjoon sets down the food on the kitchen counter and looks at his husband. "What's going on?" He asks in a serious tone.

   "Nothing." Yoongi immediately answers. "I didn't do anything."

   Namjoon's has a feeling that Yoongi wasn't telling the truth, making him feel a little upset. "Look at me son," he says sternly. And when Yoongi doesn't do so, he goes over to him and pulls his hood off, his heart stopping immediately.

   Yoongi's face was completely beaten. His eye swollen and already turning into a nasty mix of yellow and purple. There was a cut above his eyebrow and the side of his lip was busted, dried blood leaving a stain on his bruised skin. "I-I didn't do anything Appa... I was just walking to the restroom..." He says softly. "I didn't even fight back, cause I promised I wouldn't fight..."

   In an instant, Namjoon's heart breaks. Yoongi was a few beatings away from looking like the pregnant girl he had sent off to the hospital earlier today. "Who did this to you, Yoongi?"

   "Kai—I mean—Jongin's friends." He answers. "They were mad because I got him in trouble, so they pushed me into the stall and all started hitting me." The eye that wasn't swollen began to tear up.

"Look at the back of his head Namjoon," Jin carefully moves Yoongi so that the other side of his head would be visible for his husband to see the crimson matting the young boy's dark hair. "He hit his head on the toilet when they pushed him into the stall."

Namjoon quickly stands and pulls his phone out of his pocket. "I'm taking pictures of this and we're going to talk to the principal tomorrow. I am going to confront Jongin's parents and I'm pressing charges on their son." He says as he snaps pictures of his son's condition.

"Appa... just leave it alone." Yoongi tries.

"No, Yoongi. This has gone far enough!" Says his Appa. "I know I told you not to fight back, but had I known that they were going to gang up on you like that, I would not have made you promise me anything." He tells him. "Tomorrow we're straightening this out. I'm a Police Captain, this is unacceptable."

Seokjin sees the anger in Namjoon's clenched jaw and worries. "Yoongi, go upstairs and turn on the bath. Make sure the water's a bit warmer than usual, I'll be up there in a bit." Once Yoongi scurries up the stairs, Jin sighs. "Namjoon, I know you're very upset—."

"I'm more than upset Seokjin. I'm absolutely pissed off!!" He shouts. "Look at what they've done to him! Whether he would've fought back or not, it was never going to be a fair fight!" Continues to shout Namjoon. "Those kids have bullied Yoongi since his first year of middle school. No more. This all stops now." Finally, he takes in a deep breath and lets it all out. "I'm calling off work tomorrow, we're going to his school tomorrow morning and having a chat with the principal."

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