Chapter46: A shoulder to lean on

Start from the beginning

It's almost a minute since I've started this conversation with Ms Adriano, I don't regret it and can't stop feeling overly joyed by her being here. Their team's gear is so good, I mean, sky blue with gold is such a great look, I can just imagine how amazing I would look in that gear.
And if the Angels is about to give me a spot in their team - "Unfortunately, we won't be accepting you into our team."

I've never thought that the smile on my face could drop so quickly as if had when I heard what Ms Adriano had said. It felt like I was falling over again, only this time, I'm not falling down a dark hole, I'm falling from the sky without breaking apart. This couldn't be happening, it just couldn't.

"I'm sorry, Ms Adriano, I don't think I understand." I said honestly, being to stumped to run everything that has just happened in a single minute. Trying to understand what I've said or done that leads to me not being accepted to the Angels' soccer team?

I thought that everything was going so well. "You were sent to watch me play today and by what I've heard is that you were impressed by my performance so far. And admitted that I might settled well with Golden Angels, but you're not going to accept me?"

Nodding her head for every point that I've made, her expression was almost closed off, yet she was pretty much straight forward, "You are the ideal player that Golden Angels want on paper and we would be truly honoured to have you. But there are certain things that we don't want anywhere near our team or players."

Why does that statement sound very shady through my ears? I was trying my best to hide my emotions from appearing in my expression, but I think that I've might have slipped up a little bit. Because Ms Adriano was almost quickly to explain her reason, yet her body language told me that she was ready to have a heated argument with me, "On Thursday morning, I've heard about this edited nude image of yourself that has been going around, along with a video where you engage in a very physical violence with one of your teammates. The image mentions you being available to have open, sexual encounters with others, is this true or false accusations, Ms Hawkins?"

This is the worst nightmare that I've ever had. The thought ringed through my mind while I was trying my best to stay on levelled ground. Not wanting to sink into the ground or have the earth chew me up like I was some piece of meat, "It's complete false accusations, Ms Adriano. I'm not in any romantic relationships with anyone on or off campus, and I'm not available or have any interest in being open, sexual activities."

"Then what was the cause of the image and outburst behind it, Ms Hawkins?" Ms Adriano asked, almost sounding a lot like Coach Richard on Wednesday night when he spoke to both me and Ivan before benching us.

This question was close to the one that he asked us, just paraphrased. But I answered her almost the same way that I've had for Coach Richard, "The image was a rude and disrespectful joke that a teammate in the video have created to play on me. Being too upset to settle the matter in a non-violent manner, my anger got the best of me and I hold myself to using control over my emotions so quickly."

I refused to acknowledge Ivan as a teammate of mine, regardless if we play for the same team. He isn't and will never be part of my team, even if I don't feel like I'm anywhere near being seen like I'm part of it. Besides my friends, Ryan and Riley surprisingly, I don't see any of the Knights' players as my teammates including their Captain who I truly thought, believed that he was the true friend and teammate that I had in my corner. It really hurts a lot to realise that I was wrong about that.

There was a moment of silence where I was about to do something that I never wanted to do. This moment was something that I didn't want to do, but I was so desperate to have Ms Adriano change her mind and decision that I took the chance,

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