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Ana's POV

Crystal Lounge After the Conference still on Dry Dock: 11th Mai 1989

After the huge conference which turned out to be a little boring with all the business talk, Ida had the idea to make ourselves a nice rest of the evening at the Crystal Lounge for the staff. Kind of like a last hurray, till we set sail tomorrow and the passengers board. A last night out on which we do not have to worry about our tasks or making anyones bed other than ours. Ida told me the crystal lounge was a classy place. She knows a lot of people here already it isn't her first cruise ship experience. I certainly wished that I would've known that while packing the small bag I had with me. I was expecting to only be working or wearing casual stuff and since I haven't worked yet I also have no money on me to buy clothing at the stores on the ship.

"I'm not going! It will be so embarrassing." I said while pacing up and down in our room. Clothes are scattered everywhere and the best that I could wear was my fine black leather jacket and my best jeans.

 Clothes are scattered everywhere and the best that I could wear was my fine black leather jacket and my best jeans

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My outfit looked way too casual for a fine Lounge like this. I must've looked a little too concerned, because Ida came up to after she came out of the bathroom. "Honey don't worry too much, you look just fine! Like a hot little rocker girl and even if you wouldn't look good, no one knows you there anyways, right?" she said trying to clam me down, which wasn't a good attempt to be honest but I appreciated her for trying. "Well easy for you to talk, you look like a bombshell Ida!" I said to her and really it wad true. Ida had her hair curled in cute little looks and put on an off the shoulder ree dress with a black belt that accentuated her figure nicely.

I wasn't jealous of her, if anything I was mad at myself for not packing something appropriate

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I wasn't jealous of her, if anything I was mad at myself for not packing something appropriate. Ida's and my friendship was a beautiful one, we always seemed to be comfortable with each other. Right now though I felt uncomfortable and insecure while walking through the door of the lounge.

Ida and I sat at the bar and waited to order our drinks. The lounge was dimly lit and had a classy feel to it. A young man was tending the bar, he was rather attractive. Taking in the smell of cigarettes and liquor, I decided to take a look at the cocktail menu. Ida being her social butterfly self made it her mission to find at least one guy to hook up with tonight or maybe some friends, as far as I know her, she takes what she gets. This flirty girl seemed to already have spotted a group of men that've waved her over. "Ana you don't mind right? I will be right back." "Sure go ahead-" right as the words have left my mouth she was walking over seductively greeting the men with a flirty "Hey boys...". Ugh, to be her for one evening. Confidence is key, or so I heard.

Sighing, I skimmed the menu not seeming to find anything that sparks my interest until the menu was rudely snatched from my grasp. "You're not drinking any of this garbage, kitten." the barkeeper said. "I uhm- excuse me?" I stuttered. "Yoongi. Min Yoongi. The barkeeper of your hopes and dreams let me mix you something special...uhm-"

"Ana, my name's Ana".

"Ana, a beautiful name. Do not tell me your little friend ditched you just now!" he said. "Seems like it, huh?".
"Well, you're stuck with me now, gorgeous. You have me from now till 0 o'clock, that's when I clock out. So we should get to know each other, now that we are basically friends. Tell me where is this hot accent from that you flaunt with?" he uttered. "Oh it is swedish. I'm from Sweden." I said. "That. Is hot." he sure does flirt a lot, but I guess that is just a barkeepers personality. Although I must admit I've taken an interest in him, not romantically but I guess that it is a begining of a great friendship.

Yoongi and I drank the night away, although he wasn't actually allowed to drink he did it anyways. And he could handle his liquor better than I. He told me that he's been on the ship for about three months and that he has a few friends here. Mostly talking about the 6 other guys that he met on this ship that apparently are like brothers to him. I also told him a few things about me and the drunker I became the deeper the information got. All because he insist that I am a Martini girl and he will make a real special Martini for me. He called in an Ana-tini, because my name is Ana and he said I'm very small, creative I know. These Ana-tinis had it in them and I began to talk and talk, giggling along with every funny thing Yoongi said. And he said a lot of funny things.

"You know at first I wanted to hook up with you, Ana banana." he said. "What changed Yooni?". "It's just you, you are so unique, I couldn't do this to you and I would kill everyone that does.". That made me laugh, I couldn't imagine Yoongi beating someone up. "No but really Ana, I couldn't imagine someone hating you. You are too loveable." "Sooooo you love me. Wow, I'm a real heartbreaker am I?".

As good as Yoongi's words made me feel, the past seemed to always haunt me in moments I felt really good. "You know, my mom never loved me..." I trailed off. "Oh I bet that's not true, Ana" "It is true though. I am the youngest daughter of three and my mom didn't even plan on having me, neither did she want me and she always lets me know that. Only Carina my oldest sister is here for me, she even encouraged me to go work on this ship. She has always been a better mother to me. Sorry I'm rambling I think I'm drunk haha."

Yoongi stared into my eyes after my monologue and what I saw in them wasn't pity, like in any other person's eyes. No, it was something else, more like compassion or pureness. I was sure that in this moment I found a friend for life, because he said to me "You have me now too and I won't leave. You may be an annoying drunk person, but you are my friend now and I would protect my friends with my life." I nearly cried hearing this, because friends for me always seemed to come and go, but with Yoongi I had the feeling of consistency. "By the way..." he trailed of "You should really meet my brothers. Some of them can be a bit much, but I think you would like them all in all....Ana? Hello?"

I mean, I would really like to meet his brother's, that's what I would have answered if I wasn't asleep and drooling on the bar right now. Yoongi sighed "Ok lets get you to bed." He snapped the lights of in the bar and brought the register into the back room. Then he came from behind the bar to put my arm around his shoulder, supported my hip so I could stagger beside him to my room. And I had no clue where Ida was, probably not in our cabin. "Room number?" Yoongi whispered. It was way past midnight and Yoongi was working the bar longer then he should've, we needed to be quiet. "205" I said and the last thing I remember is giving Yoongi my key and falling into my bed.

"See you tomorrow, swedish beauty"

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