Chapter 39

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Lots of drama in this chapter! 🙈
Have fun with this one my friends!

Enjoy my lovelies! x


Brooke was a little over two months pregnant now, almost three and couldn't be happier. Everything was perfect and falling into place, everyone was helping her and Ashton out, buying them baby things and giving them advice to help and they couldn't be more grateful for it. The boy's were setting up a nursery for the new babies arrival, the girls had bought a ton of baby clothes for Brooke and we're currently now all out buying things like bottles, diapers, pacifiers, a baby bag and others. Brooke was in awe over the cute clothing items and other baby choices, it was like a calling to her.

Brooke was in love of the idea of being a mother, she couldn't wait and the thought of going into labor and all the pain hadn't bothered the slightest, she knew despite not wanting to have all that pain she didn't have much choice and plenty of others went through it, so who the hell cared.

"How about this one?" Luna asked showing Brooke a cute little jump suite with 'mommy's little monster' on the front of it, a smile on her face.

Brooke looked down to Luna's basket of baby clothing items and shook her head smiling, "Luna it's adorable but haven't I got enough baby clothes?" She chuckled, turning back to what she was looking at.

"Well you're a hypocrite because you're looking at a baby dress!" Luna laughed, her eyes filled with disbelief and amusement.

"But that's all I'm doing, looking." Brooke chuckled, "Unlike you, shopaholic." She pointed to Luna's basket filled with baby clothes.

"You can never have enough!" Luna poked her tongue out at Brooke and held her head up high, "Well I'm getting you all these and that baby dress you're looking at." Luna grabbed the small purple frilly dress and put it in her basket, trotting off to the payout desk and chatting to the cashier.

"Luna don't you pay for those!" Brooke yelled to her friend, walking over to her friend as carefully and quickly as she could without tripping.

"Too late!" Luna yelled back; just as Brooke reached her, she pushed her card into the card machine typed her pin number into it, laughing at her pouring friend.

"I hate you sometimes." Brooke groaned, watching Stacy and Alyssa walk over, Savannah trailing behind.

Savannah was a beautiful eighteen year old married to one of Ashton's gang member's; Marcel or Marty as everyone called him. With her cute freckled nose, adorable personality, luscious wavy blonde hair with honey gold highlights and blue eyes she was the complete package and any guy was lucky to get her. Savannah was one of those people you always wanted around you because she just gave off a positive happy vibe to everyone and always had something good to say in any type of situation to cheer you up. Marcel was a lucky guy to have her.

Then you had gorgeous Alyssa, Declan's girlfriend or Skipper as everyone calls him. Alyssa was the definition of punk; bubblegum pink shoulder length wavy hair that used to be blonde, emerald green eyes that are always rimmed with black eyeliner and black mascara, a nose piercing, snake bites, an eyebrow piercing and ears filled with earrings. Alyssa had arms arms filled with tattoos and tattoos on other parts of her body- all with meanings and was into heavy metallic music and other punk type bands like Green Day, Sleeping with Sirens and others but was the complete opposite; she was sweet, bubbly, kind and absolutely an amazing human being.

Brooke, Luna and Stacy had had the privilege to get to know these two amazing girls and had both been a huge help to Brooke in the pregnancy so far and she was sure they would continue to be a help even when the baby is born. Brooke was grateful for them an the other girls that had helped so far, but Alyssa and Savannah had been the best out of them all, along with Stacy and Luna.

Gangs / Ashton 5sos (Being Editted)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon