What Do You Say?

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Author's Note: This, my friends, is the final chapter. It's finally here! Thank you all so much for coming along on this wild ride with me. Your feedback and support means the world to me. My usual Warnings apply, Smut. ;)

For six months now, (Y/N) and her daughter had lived on the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch with John. There had been some growing pains at the beginning, just learning how to live with each other, each of them being used to being on their own, but eventually they'd settled into a rhythm and it was hard for her to imagine ever being somewhere else. The house was full on most days. Beth, Rip and their "stray child" as Rip called him had moved in shortly before (Y/N) and (Y/d/n), so there was always movement, always noise. That had certainly taken some getting used to. She was still trying to get used to the fact that on the ranch, there was rarely any privacy, rarely a moment with just the two of them, but when they did find that time, they made the most of it, even if it was just curled up in bed together holding each other. She looks next to her, smiling as she sees John watching her. She'd thought he was still asleep. "Good Morning, handsome." She leans over and kisses him softly, running her hand over his chest. John caresses her cheek with his thumb, a soft, sleepy smile on his face as he kisses her back. "Good morning to you too, beautiful." He kisses her again, letting the kiss linger, his tongue caressing her lips, his hand traveling down her back, resting on the curve of her back just above her ass, pulling her closer to him. "Waking next to you is the best part of my damn day, darlin'." He murmurs against her lips before rolling them, pinning her beneath him, his body pressed close to hers as he trails kisses over her neck. It had been weeks since they'd had a chance to make love. They were always either exhausted from work, busy with (y/d/n) or whatever the latest catastrophe one of his children was going through, or they'd get interrupted by someone knocking at their door, needing "a word" or help with something. John was tired of getting interrupted. He missed the feel of her around him, and by God, if he had to throw everyone off the ranch for one damn day, he was going to make love to her today.  (Y/N) had been just as frustrated lately, missing not only the sex, but the connection, the way he looked at her when he loved her the way he did. A soft moan escapes her lips as he trails kisses over her neck, his hand tugging her sleep shorts off and then sliding up her leg, gripping her thigh softly. Her hands run over his strong back, fingertips dancing over his warm skin as she shifts her hips slightly, trying to get his hand exactly where she wants him, needing to feel his touch on her heated mound. "John, please." She begs softly, her eyes looking into his gorgeous blue eyes. John grins and leans in, kissing her slowly, deeply as he lets his hand finally move to her mound, running his fingertips slowly, teasingly through her damp folds. A firm knock at the door causes them both to tense, a deep sigh leaving her lips as she looks over at the door and then back to John. "Tell them to fuck off, please?" She asks softly, moving to place soft little bites along his neck. 

John curses as he suddenly remembers the plans he had for the day, dropping his head to her chest as he hears Rip on the other side of the door. "Mr. Dutton, the little one here says you and her are supposed to ride today." Rips says softly and squeezes the little girl's shoulder. He'd woken up and gone down for coffee to find the little girl dressed and sitting at the table, two bowls of cereal sitting there as she cried softly. John groans and looks up at (Y/N) with a soft apology in his eyes. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. Any other time I'd ignore them or tell them to fuck off, but I made important plans with my best girl. I can't break those." He smiles and kisses her softly, letting out a low sigh as she turns her head away from him in frustration. He didn't blame her for being pissed, he wasn't too happy, but he'd made a promise to (y/d/n) and he wasn't going to break it. Not to mention, he had important things he had to take care of today. He gets up out of bed, pulling on some jeans, an old work short and some boots before walking over to the bed and leaning down. "Give your man a kiss before he heads off to work?" He asks with a smirk, relieved when she places a soft peck on his lips and fixes his upturned collar. "I'll be home late tonight, darlin'. Don't bother cooking. I'll bring something home with me, and tonight, (Y/d/n) will stay with Beth and Rip. When I get home, that pretty little ass of yours is all mine." He winks and grabs a bag he had packed for the day ahead and heads out of the door. He looks down, smiling as he sees the little girl standing there next to Rip. "Well good morning, sugar. I'm sorry I was late. Guess I overslept, huh?" He winks at Rip and picks the girl up, carrying her downstairs to the kitchen. "You and Lloyd get everything ready like I asked?" He asks as he dumps the soggy cereal and pours all three of them a fresh bowl, chuckling at the look on Rip's face as he looks down at the Lucky Charms. "We did, sir. Just have to put the final touches on it. Beth's taking care of the other part of it, sir. Said she's already got everything ready to go." John nods and sips his coffee, a soft smile on his face. "Good. I like to hear that. Now, eat up you two. Big day ahead of us." He smiles at the confused look on (y/d/n)'s face. "Don't worry, little one. You'll find out what's going on soon enough." He grins and ruffles her hair before they all start eating. Once they've finished, he clears the table and grabs the little girl's coat and the cowboy hat he'd bought her a few weeks back. "Let's go ride. I have something special I want to show you today, sugar." He takes her hand and walks to the barn where Lloyd had already saddled his horse. Placing the little girl on the saddle, he carefully climbs up behind her before riding off, tickling her side softly and kissing the top of her head. "You like it here, sugar?" He asks with a smile, laughing softly as she turns and gives him a look as if to say "that's a stupid question". It was a look he'd seen on her mother's face a hundred times. She sometimes was the spitting image of (Y/N), all fire and spark with a soft, fluffy middle. They both liked to pretend they were hard as nails, but he'd seen them both at their sweetest, their most vulnerable, and it was then that he'd realized he couldn't face a single day without (Y/N) or her little girl in his life. 

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