Why Don't You Stay

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Months had passed, winter turning to spring then spring to summer. John had become an almost permanent fixture in (Y/n)'s life. During the school year he spent most of his nights at her little house on the pull out sofa bed with her in the living room, often curled up together just talking until neither of them could keep their eyes open. He had breakfast with her and (y/d/n) every morning before giving her a soft kiss, kissing the little girls head, tickling her sides and making his way home to his ranch. His absence hadn't gone unnoticed by the ranch and he knew he'd need to make a decision. Beth reminded him of that every damn day. "Daddy, if you're not going to be here to take care of the ranch, why the fuck don't you sell it and put us all out of our misery?" Beth had asked that same question daily for a month now and he wasn't sure how much more he could take of it. He wanted (Y/N) and (Y/d/n) with him, by his side at the ranch, but he knew he'd have a fight on his hands with that one. She was the strongest, most independent woman with only two exceptions, Evelyn and Beth. He chuckles as he realizes that (Y/n) is so much more Evelyn than he'd ever realized. She was strong willed, hard headed, kind, independent and when she loved, lord did she love with everything in her. He knew as long as he didn't make the same mistakes he did with Evelyn, as long as he made sure she knew that he cared and that she meant more to him than the damned piece of land he lived on, that just maybe he wouldn't die old and alone. He had asked her a few times now to consider moving out to the ranch with him, but every time it was a solid no from her. It didn't matter how close they'd gotten or how many times they'd both told each other over the months that they loved the other, she couldn't seem to get over the fear that he would get tired of her, up and leave or kick her out just like (y/d/n)'s father had. So, instead of selling this rundown little house and moving her in with him, he was currently up on the roof with Rip and Lloyd, the Montana mid day sun beating down on them as they worked to patch the few holes and put new shingles on. Both of his men had jumped at the opportunity to help, after all, a happy boss was better for everyone involved. 

John hears all too familiar sound of (Y/N)'s car coming down the drive and curses, shaking his head. He'd forgotten that today she only worked the diner until noon. He was hoping to have this done and have Rip and Lloyd gone before she got home. Now he knew she was going to be madder than a wet hen that he'd yet again, done something to help her without asking her first. John Dutton had never been the kind of man to ask permission. He'd rather just do it and to hell with the consequences. He looks up at Rip and Lloyd, rolling his eyes as Lloyd grins. "You're in trouble now, boss." John tosses a rag at Lloyd after cleaning his hands. "Shut the hell of, Pierce. You two keep working. Going to go down and face the firing squad." He chuckles and climbs down the ladder, his shirt off, chest sweaty from the work and the sun, toolbelt around his hips as he turns and sees her getting out of her car. (Y/N) wasn't happy at all. She'd expected to come home, relax in a hot bath, enjoy a good book then pick up her daughter from school and go to John's for dinner, but now, she comes home and there's three half naked men on her roof. Under normal circumstances she'd quite enjoy the view, but the fact that he was doing something like replacing her roof on Her house and hadn't consulted her? Well that just pissed her off. "I swear to God, John, this better be a fucking strip tease, and y'all better start dancing or else you can all pack your fucking shit and leave. I'm not dealing with this today." She huffs out, her hands on her hips as she glares at the man her lover. He hears Lloyd on the roof and looks up, immediately bursting into laughter as he starts dramatically removing his tool belt and shaking his hips. "Hell, sugar, I'll give you a lap dance any day." He teases and winks at her before going back to work. John didn't like that at all. He didn't like the way Lloyd flirted with His woman and he certainly didn't like that the simple exchange between (Y/N) and Lloyd put a smile on her face but as soon as she turned back to him, the frown was back. "Let's go inside and talk about this, darlin'. Let the men finish up their work." He says softly, trying to keep from riling her up any more, but the tone to his voice told her he certainly wasn't happy about the scene with Lloyd. He doesn't try to take her hand, knowing better than to do that when her feathers were ruffled. So instead, he simply moves ahead of her, opening the door and letting her go in ahead of him. 

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