Lean on Me

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**Author's Note** As always, thank you all for the love and support on this project. It's certainly a passion project of mine. Self indulgent, maybe, but hell, we're all enjoying it, right? My usual warnings apply *Smut* 

A few months had passed since (y/d/n) had tricked Lu into taking her to the ranch, effectively opening a window for (Y/N) and John to bury their pride and work things out. Since then, they'd both fallen into a routine of sorts. He would come and have dinner with her and her little girl twice a week and then on the weekends (Y/N) and (y/d/n) would stay at the ranch with him. She liked their little arrangement as it was, neither of them really pushing for more. Tonight was date night, and she couldn't be more excited. Time alone with just the two of them wasn't easy to come by, so when (y/d/n) had been invited on a weekend camping trip with Lu's family she agreed whole heartedly. She knew she'd be in good hands and this would also give she and John an entire weekend to just be a couple. She had taken the entire weekend off from the diner so that she could spend time with him. She had made plans for him to pick her up later that afternoon, and then they'd go to dinner, or whatever it was he had in mind. That being the plan, she wasn't expecting to see his long denim clad legs sticking out from under her kitchen sink, a old rusty tool box sitting next to him. She sighs and rolls her eyes as she watches him work. This was an argument they'd had more than once of the few months they'd been seeing each other. Any time he saw something on her house that needed to be fixed, he either tried to fix it himself or get Rip or Lloyd to help do it. She fought him on every single thing. She didn't need to rely on a man to fix the things around her home. In fact, she was honestly afraid to start depending on him or the ranch hands for help, because then she'd be back to square one if he got tired of her. His stubborn streak is one of the things that drew her to him, and if she was honest with herself, she had to admit his constant desire to take care of her and her daughter was sweet. She sighs softly and lowers herself to the floor next to him, placing her hand on his stomach. "Thought you said you'd stop fixing things around here, John." She laughs softly as he jerks, surprised by her touch and knocks his head on the metal pipe under the sink. She pulls back a little and helps him slide out from under the sink, handing him a rag to wipe his hands on. 

John curses and rubs his head as he wipes his hands clean. He looks into her eyes and grunts, shrugging slightly. "I know what I said. But I came in to fix you breakfast, trying to surprise you and there was water on the floor." He answers honestly and tosses the greasy rag to the floor. "It's alright to accept help, (Y/N). You're not God Damn super woman, darlin'. You can't do everything on your own." He sighs as he sees her bristle at that comment. Before she can argue or lash out, he places one finger to her lips, softly silencing her. "No, listen first, darlin'. I know you CAN do everything on your own, but that doesn't mean you should or that you have to. You've done incredible with (y/d/n) just the two of you, but it's not just you two anymore. I'm right here. And I always will be no matter what the hell happens to us. I'll still be here any time  you need me." He reaches out, running his thumb over her cheek, grinning as it leaves a soft smudge of grease behind. (Y/N)'s instinct told her to fight it, to stand her ground against his alpha male tendencies to take care of her, but the soft look in his eyes melted something inside of her. She reaches out and takes his large hand in hers and kisses his knuckles. "Thank you, John, for being patient with me. It's been a long time that it's just been me taking care of everything. I've gotten used to being the only person I can truly depend on." She looks into his eyes, giving him a soft smile. "The last man I trusted to help me, was (y/d/n)'s dad. He walked out when she was a few months old and never came back." She scoots closer, laying her head against his shoulder as she threads her fingers with his. "I'm trying, John. I promise." 

John smiles and kisses her head softly, squeezing her hand. "I know it's hard. I should have accepted more help after Evelyn died, but I didn't. I'm just trying to be the kind of man she'd want me to be. If that means getting to take care of the beautiful woman that's captured my heart along the way, then that's just a bonus." He gives her that soft, lopsided grin of his when she lifts her head, looking into his eyes. Neither of them had really addressed anything remotely close to feelings for each other. It just wasn't something that had come up. Both of them had fought hard for feelings Not to be a factor, but along the way, the fiery, sweet, loving single mother had captured his heart completely. He never thought he'd fall for another woman after Evelyn passed. She had been his everything and still was, but then in came (Y/N) and kicked down the defenses he'd put around his heart. He cups her cheek, pulling her in for a slow, languid kiss, not giving her even a moment to really think on what he'd said, or give himself the opportunity to dwell on it. It certainly wasn't something he'd planned on revealing to her any time soon, if ever. He was not a man that spoke about his feelings, never had been. His thumb strokes her cheek softly as he teases her bottom lip with his tongue slowly, smiling against the slow, sweet kiss as she opens for him. This was more his speed, he could show his emotion through touch. In his mind, touch didn't lie, but words often did. 

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