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"Yoongi Hyung?"

Yoongi Looked at him but his eyes Widened too and he shout while pointing at him "Yah You! That Coke was mine! Why are you drinking it! Give it to me Back-" he rushed to him as Jungkook stumbled back, Yoongi Snatch the coke from his hand. Jungkook gulped the small amount of juice inside his Mouth. "Ahh! You already drank half of it. I had saved it for later"

Yoongi spoke with his annoyed expression. Jungkook looked at him in shock. Yoongi cursed at him and put him aside to look back at the fridge. But suddenly felt two hands cupping his cheeks pulling him up.

"What are you-"

"Wait you are in this life too?"


Many of the people around you can be in many of your lives. Some as strangers and some as your friends or anyone whom you know. Yoongi is here in this life too but he doesn't knows anything about another lives.

So if you don't wanna Embarrass yourself then leave his face cause it seems like you both are in some Kdrama.

Yn's voice made him Realize the hell was he doing so he leave his face quickly and cleared his voice.

"I mean...Ah I missed you. Yeah"

"Aigoo, You did? But that ain't gonna stop me from taking my Coke's money from you"

Yoongi smiled at him sweetly yet with sarcasm. Jungkook smiled Awkwardly at him and Nodded his head.

"But aren't you getting late for your Classes?" Yoongi asked Making Jungkook's eyes widened Remembering his teammates chat. "Oh yes! I almost forgot. I'mma get ready"

He walked towards the Clothes section but poke his head back to look at Yoongi who was putting his bag on his bed. The clean one off course.

"I'll bring pork belly for you"


As he entered the university three Guys went to him and wrap themselves around his neck.

"Woah!! Jaykay! The Pro Gamer!" The voice, Reminds him of Hobi's Voice in this morning. He's... Handsome. Dang. Another one Taller then Him and smiling looking at them three who are Hugging each other, he smiled with his dimples showing not Hugging him but watching them all.

"Yah Namjoonie! Get here!" The one who was holding Jungkook's collar while shaking him called, So that's Namjoon, it's Hobi, so this one is Jin maybe.

Namjoon went to them and Give them a Smile saying "Uh Huh, Party Tonight?" they both nodded and they all shout "Yesss!"

Jungkook was Confused But he also let out a small "Yayy" while Fisting his hand up.


"Arghhh. Best!"

Jin said after chugging the coke down his throat, Namjoon did the same. Hobi just Vibing to the song which was playing behind while pinching a chicken piece with his fingers eating it.

They are under the Dark sky. Yeah it's already night. The day was good. Not that bad as he had their All's company. The sky seems Beautiful, on the rooftop of their chamber Building. It's like a secret place for them I Guess. But they seems happy though.

"Damn, We win and will receive the money just cause of whom? Our Jungkookie" Hobi said and wrap his hand around him smiling, Jungkook's eyes widened.

Wait what? They gets money through winning the game?? Damn. He didn't knew that. Now he got to know why they were This much happy just cause of a game.

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