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After 2 Years, The day He decided To kill himself.

He took the Pills inside his Mouth and chug the water down through his Throat. It's 31st August, 5:25 in the evening. He came back from his part time job just 20 Mins ago.

The Job in the store? No he left that One year ago. Or should I just say he got fed up by the job. He needed something new. If he had to stay there and just watch new Random people buying stuffs then his brain would just give up on having any expectations for some new experience and new information.

He tried to think what should he do now. He couldn't think much. He had tried of Doing Some Online Gaming, Recording them and Posting on YouTube. He usually Gets Good Views and had some good Subscribers amount too. But he couldn't Monetize his Channel so that means he couldn't get money through it.

But he didn't delete his Channel though. He sometimes posts some Videos and all about gaming just for fun. Taehyung and Jimin also knows about it and they even flex About his Channel to their Other friends too. They are Proud to have A Pro Gamer Friend.

It Makes Jungkook a Little Happy.

But As that didn't worked out he tried to do something else. He thought of doing something... Related to music. He was always good in music. Singing and playing some Musical Instruments, He was good in those. He just needed a Job to do related to this.

But he Avoided Being Famous or...Like Coming in front of too Much People. He mostly gets Nervous in front of many People. So he thought of a way to only do it between only some people in small amount.

So he decided to play guitar and sing songs in any Clubs which will pay him well. Many People Likes His singing. It actually made him feel a Little better that at least they likes his songs and all. But Something in this doesn't Fits right for him.

He doesn't Feels Excited for the next Day when he wakes Up In the morning.

He feels the lack of people in his life. But at the same time he feels like he everyday meet many people. He doesn't knows what he wants.

He Overthink, Overthink like not just think about something for a moment and next Moment forget it. He always have a Problem that he can't stop his brain from thinking. The things which is past now. About people. People judging him for who he is. Those who doesn't even knows him. He thinks about his future. If there is any.

He thinks about what will he be doing Tommorow, what is he doing right now. He knows it's gonna effect his Tommorow. But doesn't knows if in a good way or bad. And even if he gets to know in a bad way. He doesn't knows how to change it. How do he change himself if he wanna change his future.

That's why doctor have gave him Pills, For his Depression. Anti Depression Pills. Does it Works?

I don't think so.

He feels like he's doing good living his live, then the next Day he will be Regreting Not Working Hard. He misses the old himself. He used to not worry much...Even if he wasn't doing his best he still was happy. But now even if he's doing his best he knows that there isn't something Good In front of him that he will get if he did Good. He knows everyday of him his same as today and yesterday.

Just stress.

He knows nothing is good in Tommorow.

Nothing is special about, even my birthday.

His Dad had called him. With his New Married Wife. They wished him Early Birthday. He tried to sound As Better as he could. He don't know but he doesn't Feels the same about his Parents as he used to do in Childhood. But he doesn't wanna feel the same now anymore. He knows that they are no good.

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