Chapter 27.

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My apartment is big, im on the 30th floor of the building and i have a very nice view, there are 2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, a nice big open living area that connects onto the kitchen and a big balcony, the only problem is it reminds me alot of the hotel in London.

I unpack a few of my things and decide i have to go shopping for furniture, i left all the furniture except for my bed and dresser at the house, but i had a tonne of boxes full of my clothes and things and my dads stuff.

I dont want to go out but i have to go buy new stuff, this apartment cant stay empty forever.

It has been 2 weeks since she left and i miss her alot. Kendall keeps hanging around, but i just want her to leave. Nothing was supposed to happen that night, she came to the hotel thinking Scarlett was here and i told her to come in and wait, she had drunk to much and before i knew it she was kissing me, my heart stopped when Scarlett walked out onto the balcony, i pushed Kendall off as quick as i could.

I hear she went and found Harry afterward anyway, but then he got arrested. The only photos ive managed to find online of her recently was her at the airport, no one knows where she went after Harry was arrested and no one has seen her since the airport. She hasnt replied to any of my texts and she hasnt tried to call she's been ignoring everyone, even Liz. Liz told me her dads funeral was 3 days after she got back and after that she started ignoring everyone. She was closest to Eleanor on this trip and she has even been ignoring her. Ive seen alot of articles about me and Kendall and Harry and Scar and it hurts alot, i cant even imagine how much it hurts for her though.

Harry's court trial was today, apparently the night Scarlett told me someone was out to get her it was a man named James Martin, he was in a gang and police had been searching for him for years, Harry admitted to the crime and told the court it was self defence because James was trying to kill Scarlett, he was granted bail and got out straight away. He doesnt know that Scarlett went back home, but he'll figure it out soon.

I want to go home, not because Scarlett is there, but because i cant stand being here anymore, we've been to 7 different cities and at every show i've looked into the crowd and hoped that id see Scarlett. I called Mali the other day, i didnt stop crying once. I wish Kendall never came here, she keeps hanging around like a bad smell because she thinks we're an 'item'. I just want to tell her to fuck off. I miss Scarlett, i love her, i never knew how hard it would be to cope like this.

'Calum, we're on in ten', Luke tells me, he gives me a forgiving smile and walks back into the dressing room, everyone is upset that Scarlett is gone, even Adam, and it makes me feel like an asshole because its my fault she left. Harry has the night off seeing as he just got out of prison and something tells me when he comes to the show tomorrow that their will be negative energy everywhere.

'Hey babe', Kendall says walking over to me, 'Hi', i reply, i really dont want to talk to her right now. 'Whatcha thinking about?', she asks, 'Scarlett', i say hoping she'll leave, 'Oh', she replies, she walks over to me and attempts to put her arms around my neck, i grab her arms and place them back by her side, 'Kendall, i need you to leave', i say, 'Oh, thats fine, i'll just go wait for you in the dressing room', she smiles, 'No. I need you to leave, England. I cant stand you being here, we arent an item and what happened that night was your fault', i tell her, 'Oh', she says, 'Bye then', she starts crying as she walks away, i feel bad for making her cry, but im glad she's gone.

I need Scarlett, i have to see her. Its not even a choice anymore, its a need. Thats it. Im going home.

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