First Task

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October, a great month to fight dragons, no?

After Breakfast, I change into a pink bra with tiny white polka dots then I put on a blue shirt underneath a white shimmery checkered padded short sleeve shirt, I slip on a white and blue jacket and zip it up halfway, I slide into black leggings, and tie white converse on. 

I hear a knock at the door as I sit down in front of my mirror. Then Madame Maxime comes in. "Are you ready Cyrus?" Madame holds my shoulders, I look at her in the mirror. "I'm always ready." 

"By the way, great job winning that fight against your competition." 

"Thank you."

I walk out to a tent where Jasper and Cedric are. I sit on a chair and tie a light blue ribbon around my head so hair doesn't fly out of my ponytail. I stand up by the curtains and talk to Ced. 

Then I hear Draco's voice from the other side of the curtains. He walks through the curtains and kisses me. "Your whole family is here." 

"Awesome, please, if it looks bad cover Edward's eyes." 

"Of course, but I mean, your whole family is here." He urges. I'm confused at first but then I realize what he is trying to say.

"Sirius? He-he's here?" 


"And I don't think he's rooting for you." 

"I'm showing the world a girl can win. I'll prove to him he missed out on an amazing child's life." I laugh. "You're so cute." He kisses me again. Then a flash of light comes from the right. Making Draco get in front of me. But I push him out of the way. "What the hell? You're not supposed to be here. This is only for contestants and families. Not for people like you." I snap. 

"Leave." Jasper gets up in her face. "Whatever I came for a great photo and I got one." the writer lady leaves sassy like.

"Ok, Contestants get in a circle." Dumbledore walks through the curtains behind Draco and me. He looks around and Dumbledore sees Draco. 

"Malfoy? What are you doing here." Dumbledore asks. "S-sorry sir, Bye Cy, Goodluck." He leaves.

"Ok, in this sack are the three dragons that we have brought from Romania. Pull one out and that's the dragon you face." Bartimus Crouch says. 

"Mr. Smit," Dumbledore says. Jasper puts his hand in the purple sack and pulls out a green miniature dragon. "The Welsh Green Dragon." Mr. Crouch says. 

"Mr. Diggory," Dumbledore says. Cedric grabs a red dragon. "The Chinese Fireball." Mr. Crouch tells. 

"Miss Lestrange," Dumbledore says my name. I put my hand in the sack and pull out a greyish tan pointy dragon. "The Hungarian Horntail." Mr. Crouch says through his teeth. 

Jasper and Cedric finish the first task with a breeze. They praise their egg with their friends while I wait for the sound of the cannon

I hear the ruckus of the cannon, and I walk out of a cave into an arena full of rocks. Surrounding the area are tons of people, many of them shouting for me. Then I hear a roar from the Hungarian Horntail. 

I see Draco and I smile. The Horntail flies over to me and I run behind a rock as I'm getting surrounded by a burning fire. Once the Horntail stops spitting fire I jump onto the rock. "Expelliarmus!" The dragon gets knocked back with a huge purple light. "WOAH," half the people say. 

I run towards the dragon. "Oh god," I say to myself. 

Everyone shouts, yells, and screams "run away, run away." But I'm getting rid of this dragon.

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