Over Time

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Cyrus' POV

Last few weeks, I was training for the Triwizard Tournament, I had to eat more than just apples, so I changed my diet, I changed my routine, my sleep schedule, and my school routine. 

It took time but it was worth it, once I get to put my name in the blue firey goblet I will have accomplished everything I've worked for. 

"All my hard work progressed perfectly. So when we come back on our 6th year, I will win and be praised by everyone" I squeal while my friends laugh.

"Perhaps, you don't win?" Lydia shrugs with the balance of lost hope. "Hey, no way. Cyrus will be the strongest one out there, no one else stands a chance" Kathryn cheers in her carriage seat, as we are flying home for summer break.

"Well, this is me, ladies. I'll see you all next year with the chance of death or championship in my future" Whishing my friends farewell I hop out with my luggage and ferret then walk out to my home with my family.

Pansy' POV

It was summer break, and it seems everyone forgot who Cyrus was. Except Luna, Ginny, Tracey, Cedric, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I of course. 

I wrote to her but she never wrote back. Maybe she's happy and forgot me. Hermione tries writing to her too. But she doesn't reply.

I sit at my parents' home in my room and I whisper "I hope you're doing great Cyrus, One day we shall see each other soon." with a tear dropping from my eye onto my hands.

Dracos' POV

Packing for summer vacation, before I leave school and come back for my 6th year. As I'm doing that I drop a book and a paper/note flies out of it. I bend down and pick it up. Walking over and sat down on my bed. I open it.

With Cyrus's handwriting, It reads; I'm particularly good at hiding things so when you find this or if you find this I just wanted to say, I didn't leave because of you, well not fully, I left because anytime I hung out with you, my scar disappeared just a little bit more. I guess I was scared of finally finding out what love is and I wasn't prepared.
So, my first kiss wasn't a total waste, I don't know if it was your first kiss but I enjoyed it either way and wondered what it would be like if- I'm going on...Thank you for being a friend, even though I ignored you most of the time.
Hopefully, when we see each other again, I've found someone and you have to. Both living our lives the way we were supposed to. Please Don't write back, Let's live our lives like we never knew each other. Love, Cyrus Trixy Cia Lestrange

"It's hard when I like you too, Cyrus comes back to me!" I cry out loud, so loud Blaize comes in. "Hey, are you okay?" his voice raspy and eerie.

"Obviously, why else would I be down and sad?" quickly changing my tone and mood I get up off my bed and walk over to my luggage. 

"Sorry, I'll leave then" Blaize leaves slamming the door, I stick the note in with all my clothing and leave my dorm as well.

Hermione' POV

We sit in a compartment on the train, Me, Harry, and Ron. "Do you ever wonder about what Cyrus is doing?" Harry begins.

I look out the window "I believe she's having the best time. I really do" With thoughts flooding in my mind I giggle "She was very goofy, yes?" 

"I think the term is wicked but yeah she is also goofy" Ron giggles along with me, "She stole Dracos apple and ran from him, do you remember that?"

Ron between laughing interrupts "You didn't like her then Hermione" I roll my eyes, "I was jealous of her, but we patched up our differences. Getting to know her was the best, I miss her" Harry nods "I miss her too"

"So do I" Ron shoves chocolate in his mouth and mumbles "We should visit her some time"

"what if she doesn't remember us? Hermione, she doesn't even write you back, neither of us gets letters from her. Not even Pansy"

"Well, maybe we'll run into her at Diagon alley, we did on our 4th year" I smirk with pride and he rolls his eyes like he doesn't believe we'll run into her.

Cyrus' POV

"Uh, so we're just going to pretend like Eddy isn't almost as tall as I?" sitting on the sofa while watching Edward read his book and play with his curly hair. "Face it sis, I'll be taller than you funny 5'3 size"

I snarl at his comment, walk up to him take his book and slap it on his curly hair "5'5 now, and if you start making fun of me, I'll hurt you" dropping the book on the floor he kicks my back, "Stop it you two" Remus steps in.

"siblings will be siblings, help me get prepped Remus, Cyrus light the candles, Edward set the table"

"on it, my love," Remus says "Done" I smile sitting in my usual seat, "All set" Eddy calls out sitting in his seat. 

"So are you really trying out for the Tournament?" Edward starts a conversation. "Yes, why?" he laughs. 

"A girl hasn't won in over centuries. You'll die"

"You're eight, you have no say in what happens to me," rolling my eyes Nymph rubs her hands on my shoulders "Leave your sister alone Edward, and Cyrus stop feeding him what he wants" 

"I hate eight-year-olds, I can't wait until you actually practice magic and you leave for a year, a blissful year without your nonsense"

"I'm already enjoying that blissful year without you" He sticks out his tongue making me jerk at him and he flinches causing me to laugh, "git"

"butthole" I scoff "I am hardly a butthole" he looks in my eyes "when is summer break over? I'm already frustrated with your presence"

"Using big words there kid, are you sure you know how to use them?" 

Remus clears his throat stopping our bickering. "You two have been arguing up a storm, what happened to you two being nice siblings?"

"She got meaner"

"He got older" our responses make Remus and Nymph snicker "just eat it'll calm you down, both of you. eat." We all eat in silence for a bit until we start small talk.

It was true, Eddy and I have been arguing nonstop since I got home, I kept thinking it was because we haven't been around each other much ever since I got the idea of winning the tournament.

But now I think it might be because I am wanting to be included in this fatal tournament. It was the end of July and we bicker every waking moment. It drives us crazy.

The Cursed GirlOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant