Kita paused as if to think about it. "She's doing fine. Although her body isn't as it used to be, she's still working on the farm despite my protests." Classic Granny Yumie, always wanting to help her grandson. She's known to rearrange her garden while the family was having dinner. "She's been looking forward to seeing you." He said. "We both are."

"I couldn't wait to be back. That's why I booked a flight as soon as I received the news." You admitted. "It feels good to be back. Life abroad is great and all but I just miss home."

You found comfort in the way Kita stared at you with such ease. You found it funny how you used to hate him having to stare at you so intensely. Things were much different now, especially in the way Kita treats you with fondness and care. He's more confident in receiving and giving affection. Kita is more of the giving type and he's incredibly great at it as well.

Despite being apart for so long, it was nothing unusual having to receive affection. You'd always known he had a subtle clingy side.

Although things in your relationship were mostly great, there were always things to fight over like in every relationship, there was a misunderstanding from time to time.

Having to live in a different country with timezones that can't coexist was frustrating and difficult for the both of you. Especially when you both have draining schedules and responsibilities. Kita had understood before that there was a possibility that your relationship wouldn't be perfect this whole long-distance relationship fact but he remained firm and understanding all the way.

There were no major fights or small misunderstandings here and there but in the end, Kita was always opened minded about your problems and thoughts.

Multiple times texts remained delivered or calls were unheard-of. Communication was key to a good relationship. It's a relief to see how your relationship with Kita never faltered despite the misunderstandings.

Your parents were already waiting outside by the time you arrived. Their arms expecting you and big happy smiles proudly showing. They took turns hugging Kita as well, pinching his cheeks and ushering the both of you inside. So far, nothing has changed in your childhood home. Some stray details varied from the new picture frames and brown curtains.

The smell of dinner had convinced you to enter the kitchen, dragging Kita along with you. Your parents follow along excitedly. Their smiles didn't falter even when trying to eat their food. "How are your studies?" Your mom asked, shifting the topic from your small dormitory to your studies. "It's difficult but I can handle the workload." You said although this was an understatement.

Compared to high school, college wasn't easier. Weekends spent studying for an upcoming lesson or exam, rushed mornings and unhealthy schedules were common ever since you started. "But we're so proud of you." Your father reminded you.

Gradually after catching up, your parents had decided that it was best to lighten up the subject of conversation. "Sooo" your mother chimed happily, inching her chair closer. "What are your plans with Kita next week?" You understood why she was curious. It would be the first time in a while that you and Kita would be together again, alone and enjoying yourselves.

"We'd be spending time in the countryside. I'm happy with anything." In truth, the thought of having to spend your short vacation with Kita, away from the bustling city life was like a dream come true.

You wouldn't have to be woken up by your noisy alarm clock or be lectured by old professors. You honestly deserved time away from the City. Another reason for your desperate getaway was to spend quality time with Kita. Adamant that you enjoyed daily calls with him, you couldn't imagine having to wake up in the same bed as him or finally eat together at the same table again.

There were many simple things you two couldn't enjoy as a couple at the start of your long-distance relationship, you found it exciting how you'd spend the rest of the week together.

It would need some time for you to get used to physical touch again after being deprived of it for so long. You're confident that you'd enjoy your time with Kita, who always put effort into everything that comes into your relationship.

Kita interlocked hands with you from under the table, squeezing your hand gently. You returned the gesture and glanced at him.  "We'll take care of each other, don't worry about us, Mother and father," Kita said with a smile. "That's good to hear, now why don't we catch up more in the living room?"


It's nearing midnight and you made yourself comfortable in your old bedroom. Your parents had insisted Kita stay over, saying it would be dangerous for him to drive so late at night. He agreed just as quickly as they insisted. Kita offered to sleep on a futon next to your bed. You told him it would be fine to sleep on your bed, which was big enough to fit two people at best.

It's silent, with only the sound of the air-conditioning running and the occasional noise of the neighborhood strays. Both your parents and Kita are sound asleep, exhausted from all the talking.

You weren't sure why you were still awake. You should probably be the most tired among the three considering the long flight. You're tired, you're sure of that but you had trouble falling asleep. Careful not to wake Kita, you slowly got up from the bed and flinched when it creaked.

Glancing at Kita to make sure he was still asleep, you were relieved to see he that was. But when you moved again to push the blanket you shared with Kita away, his eyes suddenly shot up. 'Seriously? He was woken up by his blanket having to be pulled away but not the loud noise?' you wondered. You sat up and gave him an apologetic face. Inside, you hoped he would go back to sleep but instead, he sat up.

"Is something wrong?" Kita said. His voice was soft and tired, eyes barely opened. "Where are you going?"

It's the first time you saw Kita like this. It almost feels surreal. His hair is a mess, his eyes sleepy and his expression deprived of emotion other than exhaustion. You didn't understand why he always appeared ethereal.

The moon kissed his face with a gentle filter of light, his brown eyes reflecting the beautiful moon and lips slightly apart. "Shinsuke, I'm glad to be back. I'm glad that I'm with you again." You admitted.

Smiling, Kita adjusted and moved closer to where you sat. He brushed away the strands of hair sticking to your face and tilted his head lovingly. "I couldn't be any happier. Thank you."


[Im rusty 🧐]

In The Garden |♡︎♥︎ [Kita Shinsuke] [√]Where stories live. Discover now