18♡»- May I

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On the outside, he looked calm as he did always. But he was far from nonchalant, his fingertips are burning from how the harsh wind blew past the two of you, face still inches away from yours.

Kita's chest was heavy, a feeling of rush and tenderness still fresh. He didn't know how to describe it, because Kita never understood love like others did.

Yumie Kita often read him fairy tales when he was younger. Fond memories of him sitting down on the patio with cookies and his grandmother reading him her old books. These books would tell stories about princesses who fell in love at first sight and married their princes. But even at that young age, Kita found it unrealistic.

Kita doesn't understand that feeling of loving someone where even just a mere glance of that person makes you so In love that you're willing to go to great lengths for them.

When he first learned how to read a book he picked a romance novel, his grandmother's favorite. It was nothing educational, nicely written, and simple enough for him to understand.

It was different from the others, despite having a lot of cliches it was well written. A man meets a woman, man doesn't fall in love in the first meeting only acknowledging her as an acquaintance. It's a slow burn process. Their story is casual but slowly, some parts of her gain his interest.

Their love story happened so naturally, they gave effort into making it work. Kita admired the way they adored each other with such care and warmth. Although their relationship may not be perfect as there were minor fights from time to time, they understood each other. Kita knew that it's the kind of story he would want for himself.

Kita wants to love someone like that. Where even if they don't make his heart race often, he wants to feel safe and happy around them.

The thrill of romance was nothing compared to the feeling of content just by being with them, the feeling of being happy at every little moment. His love didn't radiate lust or greed, rather happiness and selflessness.

It's so easy to be himself when around you, every small moment spent with you since the day he met you has been special. Now standing in front of you, he takes his time in studying your profile. In his eyes, you looked beautiful under the moonlight, your cheeks flushed from how the cold affected you. Eyes staring back at him with shock and something else he couldn't read.

With your mouth slightly gaped, you stutter a reply and blink the shock away. Your frown was subtle and filled with shock. "I- so Taro was right when he told us he suspected you of leaving those gifts."

"Yes, Taro was always the sharp one. You never spared me a glance, that's why it was difficult for you to understand it was me." You hear the slight disappointment in his tone, though not hard to miss. "To your credit, you were good at hiding your identity. I was scared of you okay!" You admitted, feeling taken aback by what he said, not guilt but sad to hear it from him.

For some time in the past, you had avoided Kita like a disease because you wanted to avoid his harsh logic as many warned you. You learned that he was far from that, although brutally honest, very polite, and understanding.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you back then." You didn't want to look down, you wanted to give him respect because you were truly sorry at that moment. "It's fine," he had already forgotten about it, not caring now that he wanted to ask you the question he's been dying to answer. "I only realized that I liked you a few months ago." He began, feeling the waver in his voice.

"You can ask me why and how but for now, I just want to ask you something. May I court you?"

That night, he walked you home and promised from tomorrow onwards, that things would be different. Kita reassured you that although it would be different from the usual, he wouldn't do anything that would make you uncomfortable in any way.

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