20♡»- Wish

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You celebrated Christmas with family, some visited from the other side of the country and others couldn't attend. To say the least, your Christmas was lively. With aunts shouting and uncles drinking, your home was filled with the noise you couldn't escape. The house was filled with bright lights and food of different kinds.

Now that you've moved past the bright lights of red and green, a new holiday was coming up, one everyone had double feelings for. New years was the time for reflecting on the past year, promising resolutions everyone ends up forgetting by the end of the month, and mostly celebrating the holiday with loud cheers.

One of the hardest holidays. It wasn't the fact that fireworks are going off every minute or the noisy horns blown by your next-door neighbors. It's about moving forward, some people get scared when thinking about the next step in life, especially when it's not that easy.

Yet, Kita has remained confident and rather calm. He often celebrated new Year with his grandmother, one year at a festival with his teammates which Aran had persuaded him to go. This time, you had told him before Christmas that since you weren't able to spend it with him, you wanted to spend the remaining holiday together.


Kita had arrived early, just early enough to see through the large crowd growing by the minute. There were multiple vendors lined up neatly on each side, showering the pathway with their bright yellow lanterns and signs.

The vendors varied on what they sold, some food and games, others items to wish good fortune, and even animal masks. One stand caught Kita's attention the very moment he saw it. A sense of nostalgia floods in. Kita distinctly remembers the time where his grandmother was in the hospital and pressured him to spend his new year in the shrine instead of inside a gloomy hospital.

It was difficult for Kita to enjoy the new year at that time. His grandmother couldn't even get up, laying still in a white hospital bed with doctors constantly checking up on her.

There were papers stacked on each other, a few pens sat on a cup waiting for the next person. Kita waited for the woman to finish her paper, seeing as no one other than him waited, he wanted to take his time. Kita's first wish was for his grandmother to get better, which she eventually did after a few weeks at the hospital. Kita had never believed in the concept of wishing, rather he's keener on working hard for what he wanted. But at that time, he was desperate.

Grabbing a paper and a pen from the table, Kita thought about what he wanted to write. His pen stopped just inches away from the paper, the tip barely giving ink. Kita glanced at the hundreds of tied papers.

He wondered what they wrote. They were probably just like him. Desperate to ask the gods for assistance. Kita feels unsure if it's normal to want to reach the unreachable.

I wish for this to last.

That is what he wanted to write. But he stopped himself. Kita doesn't want to be selfish anymore. He feels guilty for feeling this way when he's not even sure how you feel. Part of him knows that that time isn't in his favor in the slightest, but now he understands what matters most.

I want (Name) to live a happy life.

Love is not about having the person to yourself, but about wishing for them to be happy.


"Shin, why didn't you wait for me? I looked everywhere!" When you didn't see him at the meeting spot, you grew worried if he might be lost. You scratched the possibility of him standing you up or being late as you knew he was anything but that. What surprised you more was when you found him writing a wish. "You started without me?''

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