9♡»- Baking with Kita

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Art belongs to @cookiechochop on Twitter! This art belongs to its owner.
I found this on Pinterest and I fell in love with it.


"Can you be my baking partner?" Kita had approached you first thing in the morning to ask you that question. You didn't even hesitate when deciding. "Of course, but where?" You asked.

Kita's motive for wanting the baking event was just another tricky strategy. Although he does enjoy baking and the smell of freshly baked pastries, spending quality time with his crush was the primary reason. "At my house. The Culinary Club is already full and we can't bake in that mess."

"Great! I'll be seeing you on Sunday."


"It's technically a date," Taro said, waking beside Rika as you three left school. "No, it's not " you persisted. Taro rolled his eyes, somewhat angry you're not listening to him. "The kitchen isn't even that full. He just wants to be alone with you."

Rika joined along, nodding with a teasing smile. "I agree, maybe Taro's guess isn't so bad," Rika said.

"Finally!" Taro was happy now that someone supported his obvious claims and in truth, you did too.

Slowly but surely, you started to suspect Kita. It was getting a little too obvious after receiving major clues. But weren't final with your decision. You wanted to hear the words come out of his mouth. Kita thinks before he speaks, it would be extremely hard for him to slip and the chances of that happening were rare.

You also didn't want to assume.

There was a huge chance that Kita could be your secret admirer. You can ask him directly, but then again, he would deny it.

Being closer to Kita had the benefit of allowing you to keep an eye on him while also getting to know him. Because of the more quality time you spent with Kita, you saw him more than a smart classmate. Unlike before, you don't try to avoid his gaze and questions anymore.

Back then you were too scared to even glance in his direction, his aura was cold and rather stern. As you grew more comfortable in his presence, Kita carried a warm contagious feeling.

You felt safe and relaxed around him, even if he doesn't make your heart race as often, the sensation was fresh. He was easier to talk to, his kind smile had that warm blossoming feeling erupting all over your chest even as you try to ignore it.

Kita was always respectful of your boundaries and opinions, but sometimes scolding you for your not so often carelessness. 

Deep inside, you hoped he would be the one. "You need to wear something nice on Sunday, who knows what will happen." Rika wiggles her brows at you, wanting to get a reaction from you. "Rika what hell."


This week was busy because of the upcoming festival. The decorations and posters were being designed or being handed out by students, Kita and you were the busiest but somehow managed to enjoy the busy week together.

Today was finally Sunday, you tried to dress casually as you wanted to be comfortable while baking than look good despite Rika's suggestion. In your hand, you carried the plastic bag full of ingredients that Kita asked you to pick up on your way to his house.

You waited for Kita to open the door after your short but rather strong knock and surprisingly, he was quick to answer. The moment he opened his door and saw your image, Kita couldn't help but smile in tenderness.

In The Garden |♡︎♥︎ [Kita Shinsuke] [√]Where stories live. Discover now