5♡»-Kita's home

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Edit: While re-reading I noticed how cringe this chapter was so I decided to edit it!

You exactly weren't sure how you got into this situation. Standing in front of Kita's home was unnerving. Though nothing seemed out of the ordinary as everything was tidy and nicely decorated, you stood frozen in fear.

More of uneasiness than fear itself. It was your first time entering his traditional home he shared with his grandmother and not to mention it would only be the two of you. Kita had told you to knock on the door when you arrive, so you did.

With an exhale and a few fearful words to soothe yourself, you knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. Kita didn't take long to open the door for you. You sent a brief greeting and brought your eyes to the hallway.

As expected, the inside of his house was just as lovely as the outside. Even from the small peak, the floors shimmer from cleanliness. Kita opened the door wider for you and invited you in. Closing the door behind him, he waited for you to take off your shoes.

You fixed the pair to a shoe rack. "Are we going to do the work on your room?"

"You might feel uncomfortable if we do. We can head to the garden. Have you eaten lunch yet?"  "Yes, I ate before I left."

Part of the reason he refused to do the work in his room was because of the materials he used into making his gifts and letters. He could easily hide them but to reassure himself, he decided it was best if you stayed far from his room.

"My grandmother left us some sandwiches she made this morning. We can eat it while we work on a few ideas." Kita leads you to the back door and his well-maintained garden. Your mouth gaped ever so slightly, eyes wide from awe as you stroll past a few bright flowers. "Is everything about your place amazing?" You joke, clearly captivated by the beauty of his home. "I'm glad you think so."

Not a grass was taller than the other, the flowers were Your favorite. They were placed on a recycled plastic pot, which Kita decorated himself.

He took pride in how he maintained the garden despite being busy with academics and volleyball, it was another pastime for him. Seeing you praise his hard work made Kita blissful, it felt nice to be appreciated. It surely warmed his heart. Kita cherished the way you talked to him with such fondness and ease.

Not far from you was a table for two and sandwiches placed on the center of the table. On the seats were the papers that needed to be scanned, reminding you of the work you had to finish. "Thank you for the food, Kita-san."

Kita had longed to want to tell you how he hated being so formal around each other. At the back of his mind, he was forgetting that your relationship together was modest, a very thin bond you two shared.

"Our school festival is coming soon and We need to set a budget for the decorations," Kita said. He pulled out some papers and handed a few to you. "Tomorrow, we'll discuss with the class which event they want." Kita allowed you to flip through the pages before he continued. "The teachers decided to let the students choose."

"I know where we can get cheap materials and we should avoid expensive events such as a play or a hunted house." Having to buy costumes and props was expensive for high school students who merely relied on their parents.

Kita nodded in agreement, happy you were catching up so easily. "We need to avoid using overused events since the other classes may have already thought about it." The two of you continued to discuss the subject and had no trouble being honest with the problems. Pointing out details and giving out solutions.

It was surprisingly easy to talk with Kita. Being his seatmate for the last two years meant having to opportunity to understand him but that wasn't the case. Everyone had always feared Kita in some way, he was blunt and often serious. You had trouble warming up to him. Kita was always polite but you could tell he didn't want anything to do with you outside of the classroom.

You understood that, so you kept your distance. Something about the fact that you couldn't read him as well as you did with others bothered you. He was unpredictable.

But somehow, as he continued talking, you couldn't help but smile at him in pure adoration. It wasn't a lie how you looked up to him. His confident voice was smooth and gentle such as going to a field of flowers on a sunny day. Kita sat straight, confident as ever, and stern. "I think that's about it for today." He said, waiting for a reply and breaking your silence.

"Oh- I see." You start to arrange them now messy papers and stack them into a neat pile. Sliding it to him, you hesitate to ask a question that's been lingering on your mind since the moment you stepped foot into his estate. Kita noticed your shifting with only a glance, "What's wrong? Do you want to ask me something?"

You nodded slowly, looking up to him with a hopeful stare. You wanted to at least get an answer from him before leaving. The sun was still bright, but you didn't want to extend your stay.

"I'm sure you know about the person sending me gifts and letters, I just found out a few days ago that they're from your club." You start. "I was hoping you would know since you're the captain and you keep a close eye on your teammates."

You kept an eye on him, wanting to catch the slightest change of mood, the slightest twitch of his eyes or brows but, nothing. He didn't seem too bothered by your question, from the looks of it, he already expected it. Kita had always been hard to read, you're still bothered by that fact. Kita simply hummed, "I'm not sure. But if I find out anything at all, It's not my secret to tell."

In The Garden |♡︎♥︎ [Kita Shinsuke] [√]Where stories live. Discover now