6♡»-Class teasing

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Walking side by side with Kita was putting pressure on you. He strolled by confidently and kept his chin up. He helped you carry the papers and he was quite the gentleman most of the time you spent working with him. Kita stood in Infront of the class with you by his side, stealing glances at you as he spoke.

"As all of you may know, our school festival is nearing soon." Kita started and people began to retreat to their proper seats. "Because of our recent cut in the budget, we won't be able to pull off expensive events."

Although the class was disappointed, they merely sighed and set about new ideas. Kita had silenced them with a small lift of his hand, their attention fully on him and the person standing beside him. "Me and (Name) had thought about events that aren't costly or overused."

Students looked at each other than at both of you. Their wobbly smiles and cheerful giggling hadn't gone unnoticed. It seemed to be contagious. "So you both talked about this alone?" One male spoke up, his seatmates encouraging him. "Yes."

"AYIEE!!" Cheered a few students, including your two obnoxious friends. Kita didn't stop them this time, he seemed as if we were enjoying this judging from his foxy grin.

Kita turned his gaze to you, wanting to see your change of manner. "Since our current class officers are somewhat irresponsible, (Name) had taken it upon themselves to help our class." Despite his comment, their enthusiasm didn't die down into awkward stares.

"Do you like them? Is that the reason why you chose them over the rest of us?"

"We are far from our main topic. Please pass these papers around and fill out the given questions. Submit it by the end of the day."


You were finishing some unfinished activities when a group of energetic classmates had approached you with disorderly ideas. "Are you dating? We've noticed you two have been so close lately!" Miku said, eager for your answers. 

"They look good together." Another one chimed in, clinging to the arm of the first girl. "I agree, (Name) is the only one allowed to get that close with Kita-san."

You remained silent as they continued to pester you with questions. The warm feeling on your cheeks had you shifting on your chair, hoping to suppress it. Embarrassment was partly the reason for your red face, being paired up with Kita was another. "We're not," you look away, "But I wish." You whispered under your breath, unheard by the group of girls.

Or at least, you thought they didn't hear. "You wish?! That means that you like him."

"I mean yeah, that man is so fine." That is what you wanted to say but you stopped yourself from speaking up. "Have you finished the assignment due this afternoon?"

"Oh shoot, I forgot.''

The recent events from Kita's house were still fresh in your mind. Somehow, you found yourself staring at him differently. Your short gazes had come to be curious, filled with utmost admiration but all the while remaining cautious. Being this close to Kita Shinsuke was odd, but you liked it- no loved it nonetheless.

It was the little things that made each minute spent with Kita special. His warm smile, the gentle touch of his hand whenever he accidentally brushed it against yours. Before then, He had always caught your eye. But it was until now that you truly saw the effects. 

You glanced down at your bag, smiling at the new gift that had been patiently waiting to be opened. After the women left and you were alone, you took out the snack.

You've been working hard. Here's your favorite snack.

It was such a simple and polite note but you couldn't help but smile anyway. You then turned your head to Kita's seat.

Part of you wanted to believe it was him, because of the current feelings boiling in your stomach. The rest was still trying to deny that Kita had no any sort of involvement.

The sweet blossoming feeling that tugged your heartstrings was too addicting. You bit your lip, clenching the plastic wrap under the sudden pressure. "

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