8♡»- Are you his Girlfriend

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Edit: did some of y'all really skip to this chapter after reading the title cause this has more views than some of the other chapters lol.


Kita had invited you to visit the gym, for reasons he had yet to tell you. You raised a fist to knock and when it opened, you were met with brown eyes but not Kita's. "Who- I mean, Password?" You hear some bickering inside the gym, slight pushing and laughing here and there.

"I don't know. I'm here for Kita." You recognized the person hiding behind the door as Atsumu and the ones behind him were a few of Kita's underclassmen. "Are you his girlfriend?" They were cheeky, curious as ever, and very persistent for your answer.

"Kita-san's girlfriend?"


"I want to see!"

"Kita-san has a girlfriend?'' Soon, there was already a group of men lining up Infront of the metal doors.

"What? No, I'm not his girlfriend. He told me to meet him here."

Atsumu had opened the door fully, letting you see men gathered around, eyeing you. "Well if you ain't his girl then you must be his hoe, right?"
Osamu was quick to nudge his twin and Atsumu gave a loud yelp in return. "Why didn't Kita-san tell us he has a girlfriend?" One first-year spoke up.

You sigh, you already expected this type of situation before you came but you were still alarmed. "I'm not his girlfriend or his hoe." You said, making your point clear. "Can't a guy just be friends with a girl?" You added but most of them had trouble believing your words.

"But he's not just any guy. He's Kita Shinsuke. He doesn't invite any girl to the gym if he doesn't like them." Atsumu commented, still persistent on his idea of you being Kita's partner. Most of his teammates nodded in agreement, giving you and each other glances of curiosity.

"Okay fine, I admit it. We f*ck.'' You said it as a joke and never meant to be taken so seriously. "Wait really?'' They stared in disbelief, not expecting you to actually admit it. Their mouths opened ever so slightly, their minds contemplating whether you were serious or not.

"I was kidding, we don't. But I need to talk to him. He made it sound so important in the phone." You said.

They all groaned in unison, hating how you kept their hopes up only to disappoint them. "Well if you aren't his girlfriend then you can't come in, Club rules.''

''Since when did we have that rule, hm?" Kita had arrived and immediately, the group scattered. "Oh well- I was joking Kita-san!" Osamu had left Atsumu to deal with his problem, afraid that Kita might include him again. "That's what I thought."

As soon as Atsumu ran off, Kita turned to face you. "I'm sorry you had to wait for me and deal with my teammates, they're just very curious." Kita wasn't wearing his usual training clothing of maroon shorts and a black shirt. Instead, he was wearing his uniform unlike the rest of his teammates who were already dressed.

"That's fine, it was honestly very entertaining." You admitted. "You're not going to practice today?"

Kita shook his head, "I was excused because I told the coach I had to run some errands. I'll continue practice tomorrow." He was always strict with his daily schedule but like any other person, we needed to change up our routine from time to time.

"You said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I wanted to see if you have some free time to join me today. I'm leaving to buy some tissue paper and materials for our event. "

You thought about it, you had nothing in your schedule after school and it was still early. The best part about it was the fact that you can spend time with Kita. "Sure, I'd love to join you."

With your approval, Kita smiled.


The class had agreed on holding a baking event where they would sell homemade pastries while enjoying the cycle. It was a good idea since most of the baking necessities were already at home. Having Culinary club members in your class earned you the privilege of using the club's kitchen as well as the materials.

By this, the class budget was kept and was going to be used for decorations or other lacking supplies.

"What are we going to buy?" You enter a small shop not far from your school area and followed Kita. "Some craft paper and plastic bags for the cookies." Kita came off more excited than anyone else. "You seem very excited." You pointed out with a gentle laugh, thinking about how charming he looked while he's excited.

"I am, this reminds me of the times when my grandmother and I would bake cakes during my birthday."

Fck You didn't know why he sounded so attractive being all wholesome. Kita glances at you and promptly waves for you to come near him. "Let's buy a few of these, what do you think?"

You merely nod, not understanding why he needed you here. He was doing all the choices and carrying, sometimes turning to ask for your opinion about color or size. "I'm not sure why you need me here, Kita-san." You piped up when you were near the cash register.

He didn't, he just needed an excuse to bring you here.

"We still need to go to one last place." He said. You helped him unload the items from the basket and the cashier began to swipe the items. "Are you two students from Inarizaki? There were lots of people buying materials here too. Our shelves have trouble staying full because of the upcoming festival."

Kita continued the small talk with a polite tone. She grabs a bag, shoving your items inside gently. "You two make a nice couple, have a great day."

"Oh no, we're not-"

"Thank you." Kita intruded. You quickly turn your head to stare at him with awe. The friendly employee bids the two of you goodbye as you exit the small shop. As if reading your mind, Kita answers you. ''She was complimenting us.''

"But we're not a couple, Kita-san." He ignores you, trying to resist the impulse to grin. "Are you laughing?!" You crack a smile.



Atsumu and a few other members had been secretly following the two of you after eavesdropping on your earlier conversation. Suna had his camera out as the others tried their best not the scream or catch the attention of other people.

When they saw the two of you giggling and teasing each other, the team looked at each other in disbelief.

"Yeah, they're definitely f*cking."

In The Garden |♡︎♥︎ [Kita Shinsuke] [√]Where stories live. Discover now