Chapter 2: Old friends, old faces

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It was an ordinary day, just like every other day. The morning sun shone dimly through the dirty windows of the poorly maintained building, lighting the apartment slightly. 

It was another day for the handymen too. A short black-haired man walked slowly from his dark room and sat on the couch that was close to him. He looked tired, they often couldnt sleep more than just a few hours before they had to be on the move again doing jobs for different people around the city. That was the life around here. 

"morning nic." Worick yawned tiredly as well after finally waking up. The blonde put on his black pants and lit his cigarette. That's what he did every morning. Sometimes he didn't even eat anything before afternoon unless they went to Connie's for breakfast before work. Connie had always offered them some food as a thanks for their help. 

Not all the people in this town were completely scum. They had received help from people who didnt deserve this life, without them they would probably have died a long time ago. 

"ah, someones already at work it seems, didn't even leave a message." Worick said to himself which however Nic also noticed, nodding approvingly. He was holding a small brown book in his hand that he had been reading for some time now. The book was was interesting to him, it told a story about two nobles who fell in love. Romantic drama books were Nicolas' favorites even though he didn’t quite understand, nor care about love, much less than Worick did.

"We have to go to town today. We're almost out of food and Theo asked for our help yesterday if you remeber, let's go see what's going on there." Worick said to wich Nicolas nodded looking him behind his dark eyes.

If Worick was completely honest, their apartment needed more than just food. They hadn't cleaned up again in a long time and even though another woman was living under their roof again, that didn’t mean she had to clean up their mess. Nicolas specially  left behind quite a chaos if he was left alone in the apartment. He couldn’t fix the plates in his own places and he didn’t mind that there were little dust in the furniture, it didn’t kill anyone.

'What Theo wants now?' he signed. "I don't know, but I hope it's worth some money." Worick answered with a grin, before taking his jacket.

When walking the roads of Ergastulum, you had to be vigilant all times. There was someone around almost every corner who could ruin your day if you werent careful, gans, murderes and rapers was every day problem here and only high rank twilights didn’t always need to look around constantly. Normals and low ranks had to be alert if they wanted to keep their lifes. 

The sun had already risen as the duo walked among the people along the roads. In the mornings, there were quite a lot of them who were on their way to buy food, water or clothes.

But sometimes buying stuff wasnt that simple, nothing was simple here. 

"we don't sell to animals here." the seller of one of the stalls said angrily when he saw Nicolas taking some bread out of the brown basket. A fairly middle-aged salesman had noticed tags shining under the sunlight and he did not feel safe near tags who were carrying samurai swords around. No, nooo way. 

Nic looked at the man gloomily, he didn't care about his words, but would still probably have done something because he didnt like people talking to twilights like that. His large hands held his katana with a tight grip, looking straight at the man. Nicolas always looked threatening even if he wasn’t angry. Usually, just a tight gaze was enough to make people to cooperate. 

The position of the twilights was as bad as ever. Nicolas got more freedoms from Worick than many bigger ranks who worked for bigger names. He was one of the "lucky" ones. Many sold nothing to those with dog tags hanging around their necks, even moldy food was more valuable to some than the life of a twilight. After all, they were scary, rubbish from a previous war that was waited to be left behind. 

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