“Please, those knuckleheads don’t even know what they’re doing. I trust you. After your last case where you caught Walter, I can see you are an amazing detective.” I blushed at the compliment. The Chief is not known for handing compliments like mints. If he said I was amazing, then he sees potential in me.

“Thank you, sir! You won’t regret this decision! I’ll make sure to put 110% percent of my effort!” I cheerily said.

“I didn’t expect less. Take the night off. You have a big day tomorrow.” He smiled at me before he looked back down at his papers.

“Yes sir! Good night. And thank you!” I waved at him. He waved back and I exited the office.

“So the Chief complimented you. Don’t let it get in your head Finn.” Pam laughed and I punched her softly back. 

I returned to my office to collect my items. I looked at the picture frame of me and her. I smiled and missed her. Tears flooded my eyes as I sniffled.

“I miss you so much.” 

I put the picture frame down before I dropped it from my crying. God I missed her. She was amazing. She reflected the best in me.

“Come Finny! You gotta catch me!” She said as she smiled though one of the bushes in our backyard. I laughed and jumped towards it to catch her.

“I gotchu-” I trailed off when I didn’t see her. I looked around and tried to find her. I began to panic. I hope she didn’t go off into the woods. I hated those woods. They always scared me.

“CASSY! WHERE ARE YOU! THIS ISN’T FUNNY ANYMORE!” I yelled for her. I searched until I reached the edge of the forest which connected from our house. My legs shook as I worried for her. 

Just as I was about to step into the forest, the bush behind me rustled.

“BOO!” Cassy said, jumping out of an azalea bush. I screamed like a girl which caused her to laugh even more.

“CASSY! IT’S NOT FUNNY!” I screamed at her.

“Oh my gosh. You should’ve seen your face." She laughed more until she turned blue. I laughed at her struggling to catch her breath.

“KIDS! LUNCH IS READY!” Mother yelled from the patio. We returned to the patio laughing, eating our sandwiches and sipping lemonade. 

I wish I could’ve gone back to that day. I wished I could’ve told her not to go into the woods. I wish I could’ve told her that we should go inside and play. But that moment will be one that I’ll remember in full regret.

I was already at home. I guess thinking back to that time must’ve made me go on autopilot. I did my normal night routine. I ate a quick dinner and watched a bit of TV. I watched Lucifer on Netflix. Despite my other coworkers saying how much they hate the show for falsely depicting the work of a detective, I still liked it. 

I went to sleep. Alone. 

I thought about the fact that I was dating no one. I guess I was dating my work, which is not something you really brag about. Now that I think about it, I mainly work because back at home, I have no one to go home to. I have no one to kiss goodnight or say hello to when I walk in. I’ve tried dating in the past, men and women, but no one has been the right one for me.

Waking up the next morning, I walked into the precinct. Upon walking in, I got nasty stares from the former workers on the Mark Hudson case. Not my fault y’all suck. 

“Good morning Mr. Martin. Here are the documents for the case. Conference room 2 has been left for you. Chief Eric wants to know who you want to be assigned with you.” Pam said upon walking to my office.

I'll Protect You (MxM) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now