Shower sex- Debbie Ocean

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Debbie and I have been out all day shopping it's been lovely. We don't get many days out to ourselves as I've started a new job and Debbie is working during the day renovating the club with Lou which is sad we don't get a lot of time together to have days out.

This shopping centre she took me to today is huge it has over 100 shops it's insane! We have been to 30 different shops already. Debbie's birthday Is soon so I'm trying to pick out some things for her but she's clung to my hip all day not letting me out of her sight.

"Hey babe I need to go into a shop can I leave you for a bit?" I ask "Hmm okay love, I need to go into this shop anyway but please keep texting me" She says nervous "Okay love" I kiss her goodbye.

I go into a lingerie shop to sneakily pick something up for both me and Debbie I must have been in there for almost an hour because of how big it is. Soon enough my phone buzzes
Debbie: love where are you? I miss you :(
y/n: just in a shop won't be long x
Debbie: You've been away for 45 minutes are you okay? What are you doing X
y/n: Just looking for something I'm nearly done I'll message you when I'm out and see where you are x
Debbie: see you soon x

I go to the checkout to pay then I head outside just as I pull my phone out to call her "Hey sexy what were you doing in there" she asks with a soft playful tone in my ear behind me squeezing my hips "Debbbb you weren't supposed to see me come out of here" I pouted "Oops sorry baby girl I checked your location I thought you left me" She giggles "Any way you can't see yet it's for your birthday" she huffs I kiss her.

We continue shopping for another hour we decide to go for something to eat because we were starving "Babe what do you want to eat do you want pizza or McDonald's?" I ask pulling out my phone for directions. "McDonald's obviouslyyyyy" She drags out her sentence "Right that's that settled then. come on let's go" I say excitedly

Once we are done we finally head to the car and we start driving home I decided to put on the radio we were just singing our hearts out the full car ride back I love hearing Debbie sing she has an amazing voice me on the other hand in fact let's not go there.

We arrived back at Lou's loft and headed inside I just fell on the couch "Uhhhh I am fucking exhausted" I say letting out the biggest sigh ever Deb comes over "Sit up a second darling" I sit up she lays behind me letting me back lie on her stomach facing the projector. We decided to watch a film before bed.

Once the movie had ended I picked my phone up and checked the time 10:30 pm "you coming upstairs babe" I asked "You head on up I'll be up in a second honey just getting us some water for bed" Deb kisses my forehead.

Deb walked into the bedroom and put the water on our bedside tables before lying on top of the bed going on her phone. I stood in front of the mirror putting my hair up in a messy bun before slowly removing my clothes in a sexual way making sure she see everything she couldn't take her eyes off me.

"Just nipping in the shower won't be long" She only nodded staring at my body looking at every little detail and curve the smirk on her face growing wider by the second. I step in the shower and turn on the water I felt a pair of hands caressing my waist "Hmm that was quick" I hum. "I just couldn't resist taking a shower with you when you look this hot when your naked" She begins softly kissing my neck.

Her hands slowly made their way around the front of my stomach resting at the bottom of it
"May I?" she whispered in my ear "Hmm yes you may" I replied. She guides me to the little bench in the shower sitting me down straddling my thighs kissing me her tongue swipes my bottom lip wanting access I deny at first. Her hands trail from my chest to my throat squeezing a little I gasped "Hm don't deny access next time baby girl" She chuckled.

We resume kissing our tongues fighting for dominance hers obviously won. She begins kissing along my jaw, down my neck leaving gentle little bites and sucking some areas, she continues down my chest to my breasts giving them both equal attention. She climbs off me kneeling on the floor ever so slowly kissing down my stomach not wanting to leave any piece of skin unloved she continues her actions on the way back up my other side.

She sits down and pulls me on top of her. Her fingertips slowly tracing every part of my stomach and thighs. Her hands trail closer to my centre then she starts ever so slowly rubbing my clit in a circular motion which earns a loud moan from me. Deb lets out a very sexy chuckle she slowly inserts two fingers in me whilst pulling me in for a passionate kiss her other hand slowly making it's way to the back of my head to deepen the kiss.

My hips buck which earns a low husky laugh from Deb she knows I'm close my moans getting gradually louder "I-'m close" I say breathlessly "Cum for me princess" That's all I needed she helps me ride out my climax "Ready for round two baby?" She asks in a raspy voice her pupils becoming more dilated "Hmm yes I am" I say kissing her neck.

She moves me off her legs for a second spreading them she grabs hold of my hips inching me closer to her then guiding me to sit on her thigh "Ride my thigh gorgeous" She says I grab her shoulders for support I start at a fast pace. "Slower baby" She guides my hips slower slightly digging her nails in ever so slightly. I decided to put my knee to Deb's centre so she could also get pleasure she lets out a moan and her head immediately falls back "mmm yes" She says.

It's a few minutes and I feel a knot forming in my stomach "I'm close- I don't know how much longer I can hold it" I say through loud moans "Hold it for me baby I'm nearly there just a second" I replaced my knee with my fingers quickly thrusting making sure to curl them "Cum now baby" She pants we both let go at the same time. After we had worked through our climax we finished showering and got into bed.

"Hmm we should do that more often baby" Deb said playfully kissing my shoulder along to my neck "hmm I agree" I say through a yawn "Let's get some sleep honey" we both exchanged a kiss, a string of I love yous then I cuddled into Her chest whilst she had her arm was around my waist within 10 minutes we fell asleep.

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