Chapter 1

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Ayuna’s POV

 I’ve waited for over 150 years for her, and an additional 18 for her to become an adult in her world. Personally, I don’t think I can wait any longer. I plan on revealing this to the supreme court. For I am the last member of the ancient demon kingdom who has yet to find a sodalis. Humans might say mate or companion.

I’ve watched my brothers, Mahzun and Simcha, both fall in love. They both had different stories because our titles affect our entire being. They shared the stories so many times when I was a child. Mahzun, being the demon of unrequited love, had fallen in love many times. None of them felt the same way until he went to the supreme ruler begging for just one person who will love him back. After 30 years of waiting, he found a young demon, only 60 years old. Humans would think he’s still a teen. 

The good thing is we look like we stop aging around twenty five, some demons are unlucky enough to stop aging in their fifties.

Demons don’t recognize their sodalis until their 100th birthday, leaving him to wait in silence for another 40 years. 

Simcha was a totally different story. He met his sodalis, who was a warrior, on his 100th birthday. Even 1925 years later, he is still happily married to Emelia. He’s this old because True love was the first type of love to be discovered. And then they discovered unrequited love, then me, forbidden love. 

Our parents, the queen of love and the king of passion, Are over 3000 years old and has been roaming this earth since the beginning of recorded time.

You’d think we should have been angels because of our love related titles, but there hasn’t been an angel since the infamous fallen angels wiped them out. Humans don’t know that the beings they worship are no more. But there still is a God, the one person I look up to. But I sometimes question his decisions of putting me in this position. As a demon.

And of course, my love is forbidden. Making me question him even more. 

Demons aren’t allowed to mate with humans or even enter the human world unless it’s for our missions. We get one every year. That’s how I discovered Frida, while trying to fix forbidden love between two ‌doctors from Asian households. Their families didn’t accept them, seeing that they were both males.  But love is love and it judges no one.

Frida's mom was giving birth to her on that very day. I stayed by her side, posing as a doctor, as she screamed in pain. I witnessed my little mate's birth. She didn’t cry; she was silent and peaceful, but I saw the flames in her eyes and knew that the storm would soon arrive.  

Ever since then, I’ve secretly visited her every year on her birthday while completing a mission. I’ve watched her grow up through mirrors. This year was different, though. My mission didn’t come during the day but late when it was already getting dark.

It pained me to wait any longer, so on the night the phoenix arrived and dropped the box, I rushed to the human world to see her.

She was snuggled up in her bed, drinking and playing with a lighter she had bought on her birthday.  

I saw when she accidentally set flames to her bed sheets. I panicked and helped to take it out, completely forgetting that my body was not materialised, but my touch still had a deleterious effect on human materials.

After I made it back to the demon kingdom, I went to the fish tank in my room, which I disguised. It’s actually where I watch her from.

But this time… I couldn’t reach her. 'But that can’t be……. I only just left her. And the only reason I should not be able to reach her…. Is if she no longer exists in the human world.'

I sit at my desk and think about it properly…. 

Then I finally realized what I had done, “I...I touched the bedsheets.” My voice cracks with every word.

I stay silent for a while before the inevitable screams erupt from deep within me. Tears stream down my face at the thought of killing my one and only true mate. I killed her. 

I killed Frida……


Mahzun POV 

I walk the halls of the house I share with my siblings. Ayuna’s frantic screaming woke me up. She never makes this much noise, such painful sounds. 

I see Simcha on the other side of the hallway and we meet at her door. “What’s wrong with her?” 

“I have no clue. She woke me up.”

I push open her door as her screams continue. Her room is a mess. She never had much stuff, but she sprawled all her books out around the room. The fish tank is now broken and in pieces on the floor. But what surprises me the most are the wings bursting through her back.

“A demon never gets their wings unless they’ve felt true, unbearable pain.” Simcha voices my exact thoughts as we attempt to walk closer. But that's when her screams get louder. I had already gotten my wings, as I've been rejected many times by my supposedly "true loves"

“Ayuna, what’s wrong? What happened?” She looks up at us with blood-red eyes, her cheeks stained with tears.

“I killed her…” I look at Simcha, who wears the same concerned look on his face.

“Yuna, who? Who did you kill?” 

“Frida! My mate, I killed her.” I run to hug her while Simcha closes the door. 

“She was a human. I was on a mission 18 years ago. I felt a pull towards one of the hospital rooms. That’s when I found out that my mate was just being brought into the world. My missions continued to arrive on her birthdays, I'd go to see her right after I finished each mission. She turned 18 tonight, but my mission was late. I went to see her before even completing my task and everything was well. I spent the night watching her as she drank and danced, but then her bed sheets caught on fire, and in a panic, I rushed to pat it out.”

Her tears continue to flow, her voice only a small whisper. “I forgot that our touch doesn’t go too well with human materials, and when I got back to check on her through her mirrors, I couldn’t reach her.”

Simcha joins in on our hug. We look at each other, hoping we can find some way to fix this.

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