Chapter 15 April

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                                                                             Last Day Of March

Y/N and Hermione stand in Gladrag's Wizardwear, looking at clothes.

"So, what's wrong with Ron?" Y/N asks Hermione.

She turns to Y/N. "He said he has a headache."

Y/N looks through the clothes. "A headache? I hope you told him to go to the infirmary for an aspirin or something."

"I did."

Y/N remembers something from before.

"By the way, Fred and George's birthday is tomorrow. I want to go to Zonko's to get them something, do you want to come?" Y/N asks.

"Nah, I'm good. I'll go to Puddifoot's and order us something to drink. I'll wait for you to come back." Hermione plans.

Y/N puts down the shirt she's looking at. "Okay, then I'll go now so you don't have to wait too long. I'll see you at the tea shop."


Y/N walks out of the store and heads to Zonko's Joke Shop. 

As she walks, she see's Neville heading the same way. "Hey Neville, headed to Zonko's?"

"Yeah, I'm going there now, you?" He asks.

"Yeah. I'm going to get Fred and George something for their birthday." Y/N explains.

The two of them walk into Zonko's to find Draco, Goyle, and Crabbe.

"Great." Neville mutters under his breath.

Draco turns around and laughs. "This makes sense, the nature freak and the nature geek."

Y/N looks at him. "Clever, now why don't you mind your business and we'll mind ours."

"But why would I do that when I could bother you both. Tell me Y/N, how does it feel knowing that the chicken Hagrid calls Buckbeak is only two months away from death." He slowly walks up to her.

She feels anger rushing through her. "Back off, Malfoy."

He walks even closer. "How does it feel, knowing he's going to die."

Everyone's shocked when they hear the sound of Y/N's hand slapping Draco's face. Y/N puts her other hand to her mouth with her eyes wide. Even she's shocked by what just happened.

"Draco, are you alright?" Goyle says, looking at him

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"Draco, are you alright?" Goyle says, looking at him.

He looks at Goyle. "No I'm not alright, she just slapped me!"

Professor McGonagall rushes in as Crabbe says. "Look, you can see the outline of her hand on his face."

"Miss Y/L/N, what on earth are you doing?! Putting your hands on another student is completely unacceptable!" McGonagall says.

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