Chapter 1 Hagrid's Discovery

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It was two weeks before the beginning of Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts. As he was dealing with the horrors of the Dursleys, the professors were preparing the school and lessons for the students. This year, Hagrid had been promoted to a teacher for the Care Of Magical Creature's class. A class that he is well suited for considering his past caring for the creatures and beasts of the wizarding world.

As Hagrid walks down the halls of the school, he feels both excited and extremely nervous to be teaching a class. Before third year, he didn't have this kind of responsibility and it's getting to him. Hagrid had been preparing classes for weeks and preparing different animals so that they would be ready. Even with all this preparation, Hagrid still feels nervous, so he's headed to the library to do some extra reading. He continues to walk down the halls and finds Professor McGonagall looking over the Forbidden Forest from a balcony.

 He continues to walk down the halls and finds Professor McGonagall looking over the Forbidden Forest from a balcony

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"Hello, professor McGonagall." He says with a grin on his face.

She stays straight faced as she usually does "Good morning professor Hagrid, how are you doing today?"

Hagrid shows a crooked smile "Oh, I'm doing great."

She can tell that he isn't being honest with her "You feel nervous?"

"Very" he says admittedly.

"Rubeus, you are going to be teaching a skill that you are brilliant at. There is no one better for this position" she says as she flashes a small but kind smile.

"Thank you."

After speaking with McGonagall, Hagrid continues to go on his way to the library.

As he walks in, Hagrid hears a small crash. He walks cautiously through the library, but no one else is there. You could hear a pin drop. As he continues through the library he finds that nothing and no one is in there. Out of no where, he has a thought. Hagrid knows that it's ridiculous, but he heads to towards the restricted section of the library. He looks for whatever could have made that sound, but there is nothing. He walks forward through. Suddenly he feels something touch his foot. Hagrid looks down to see an old red book. It's opened, the book's pages are glowing bright gold and seems to have some sort of enchantment on it. Hagrid feels hesitant a first, but he picks up the book. As he looks down at it's pages the book shines brighter and brighter until the light has surrounded him. As soon as the light is at it's brightest, Hagrid starts to see some sort of vision. He see's many short instances in time until it shows one moment as a voice speaks. it's an unfamiliar one, but it's one Hagrid knows he needs to listen to.

 it's an unfamiliar one, but it's one Hagrid knows he needs to listen to

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The Forgotten Witch (A Harry Potter Story) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now