Chapter 2 Finding Y/N

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Hagrid's mission was clear from that moment and he has to leave immediately.

After speaking to Dumbledore, Hagrid heads toward his home. He has to leave that same night. On his way home, he runs into McGonagall once again. It's deja vu. 

"Hagrid, It's good to see you back to yourself."

He decided to inform her. "Thank you, but I must not stay long. Dumbledore has given me a mission."

She was curious. "Really, what is it?"

"There's a girl in the muggle world unaware she's a witch, similar to Harry Potter was. Now forgive me, but I must go"

"Interesting, well I hope this goes well for you. Good luck on your journey." She said as he walked away.

Hagrid continues to make his way to his hut. On the way down the hill, he thinks of everything he may need and how he would get there. He decided he would need ingredients for simple spells, food, and water. He also decides to fly his old motorcycle to the train station because it's the easiest way to the muggle world.  As he arrives to his hut he gathers the things he needs for the journey. It doesn't take long before he's up in the air headed to the train station

As Hagrid makes his way along the tracks to the station, he feels nervous about finding this girl

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As Hagrid makes his way along the tracks to the station, he feels nervous about finding this girl. Especially if she doesn't know. Know that she's a witch, know that she shall go to Hogwarts, know that magic is real. He also finds himself thinking about the latest problem in the Wizard world. Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban prison and could be on his way to harm Harry as he thinks. And if he does, Hogwarts has a challenge facing it once again. Once again a deadly foe is threatening the people at Hogwarts. 

His ride to the train station feels fast because he was deep in thought the whole time. As Hagrid arrives at the station, he leaves his bike outside. He makes his way inside to platform 9 3/4 and of course no one is there because the station only runs about four times a year. So he walks to the portal and runs straight into the wall and through to the muggle world. The muggle world is different. The station is filled with people and it's only about 6am. Hagrid makes his way out of the station and heads towards Little Whinging even though it's too early to find the girl. 

As Hagrid walks into a park in Little Whinging. He sits down on a bench because there is really nothing better to do. he sit's there, worried for what's to come because he knows that whatever happens next will be intense. As he sits there thinking about what will happen next, an owl swoops down next to him. The bird held a package and note and gave it to Hagrid. It was clear that Dumbledore had thought of something he might need. He opens the note and reads it.


*Dear Hagrid,

I was surprised when you told me of your mission and didn't think of this before. I realized later that your mission will be very difficult. This girl will be next to impossible to find, but not with the tool I have included in this package.*

The Forgotten Witch (A Harry Potter Story) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now