Chapter 31

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(Justin pov)

Since I woke up this morning I have been getting texts and calls from all of them except Elijah and I'm not gonna lie it kinda hurts but it's my fault I guess I left them and I know there hurting but so am I.

I wish I had more friends to talk to because I could really use someone to talk to right now, I guess my dad it is.

Calling dad:

Dad: Hello son

Justin: Hey dad

Dad: Hey what's up you sound upset

Justin: Yeah dad I need to talk to you

Dad: Ok

I told my dad everything just leaving out the parts where my boyfriends and best friend are in the mafia or whatever that part is still a little confusing for me.

Dad: Ok what you are telling me is that you are in a relationship with all 4 of the guys you live with and now Miley your childhood best friend lives with you and they was all lying to you about something and just told you last night and obviously what they told you was really bad since you are going to be staying at a hotel for awhile right?

Justin: Yea I guess you're right but I didn't leave because what they told me made me leave I mean it kinda did but I left because they have been lying to me since I moved in and I told them I didn't want any lying and they still all lied

Dad: Well son I think you should figure out what you want with life and yourself because you love them I can tell that you do you don't  have to tell me for me to know, you'll figure it all out son

Justin: Thanks dad I will and I do really love them but I don't know what to do I'm lost *crying*

Dad: Son you won't be lost forever remember that ok, you said they was trying to protect you or something remember that to that they love and want to protect you

Justin: Yea ok, I think I'm going to come home for a little while

Dad: Yea that would be good, you could get some space and I'll get to see you

Justin: Ok then I'll see you when I get home I'll probably leave tomorrow after I get more clothes, I'll text you when I'm leaving bye

Dad: Ok bye

Call over

After the call I just cried and cried and then fell asleep not knowing what else to do.

(Next morning same pov)

Waking up the next morning was exhausting honestly, I'm still tired and feel like I haven't slept at all and I know for a fact I look a mess.

When I woke up I booked a flight to go home and my plane leaves tonight which means I have to go to the house to get clothes and my suitcase.

I decided to catch an Uber to the house without telling anybody I was coming, walking into the house it was quiet.

I didn't see Elijah and Mason's car in the driveway so they probably at work but the rest of them I know are home so I tried being quiet but that didn't really work out.

Walking past the living room Jace saw me "Justin you're back!" Jace said running towards me but I backed away before he could reach me and he had a sad expression on his face and I know I hurt him but they hurt me first.

"Yeah..we'll no I'm just getting my clothes and suitcase" I said quietly looking down "what do you mean your clothes and suitcase, where are you going? Are you leaving us?" He said rushing everything out in one breath.

"No I'm not leaving you guys I just need space so I'm going back home to my parents house for a little bit" finely looking up at him he looked broken and I felt bad but I just can't be here...with them right now.

"Look Jace I just need space ok I'll be back ok but you have to let me go for now" I said but my voice cracking at the end so I just turned around walking to my room to get my things.

I'm not taking everything because then that will mean I'm never coming back and I want to come back I just hope it's not to finish packing.

After getting what I needed I left not saying anything and Jace just watched me leave, I think he was crying but I couldn't turn back I needed to go or I wouldn't be able to see what I really wanted in life/for my life.

(Jace pov)

Watching Justin leave without saying goodbye or even to look at me again it broke me like really broke me.

I sat sitting in front of the window for hours after he left, it's dark out now and I see Mason and Elijah pull up at the same time and I started crying again because I'm the one that has to tell them and everyone else that he left.

"Hey Jace why you sitting in front of the window?" Mason said walking over to me "he was here...Justin was here" I said quietly staring out the window at nothing really "what is he still here" Elijah ask sounding hopeful and I just broke down again.

I started crying again but harder and I felt Mason's arms wrap around me "n-no he left... he went ba-back home he said he needs s-space" I said crying into Mason. "Shhh it's ok he'll come back ok...he'll come back" Mason said but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself along with me.

After awhile of me trying to calm down Miley walked into the house "hey guys what's going on what's wrong" she said "Um Justin...he was here and took some of his stuff he said he's going home because he needs space from all of us and time to think" I said looking at the floor.

"But he's coming back so it's fine right" she said looking at me "yeah he is" I said trying to give a hopeful smile to not just myself but also everyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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