Chapter 5

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Dads name: Cruz Baker- 40
Moms name: Maddison Baker- 39

(Justin pov) parents at the top

It's been a good 2 weeks since I been here and my parents still haven't called me. I still find it very weird that they didn't bother to tell me that 4 other hot ass dudes live here I mean not that i'm complaining but still they could've still told me.

I decided I wasn't going to wait for them to call me. Knowing my mom she wouldn't even pick up or tell me the answers I needed, she changed after I came out but my dad so I decided to call him instead.

Dad: hello?

Me: hey dad.

Dad: hey son. How's things going?

Me: well dad idk just you know 4 dudes living in the house I thought I was suppose to have to myself.

After that the line went quiet for awhile.

Me: umm hello aren't you going to say anything.

Dad: listen son I should have told you that 4 other people lived in the house I just didn't think it would matter.

Me: it doesn't I just think you should have told me instead of lying. I bet mom made you not tell me because she's "trying to protect me".

Dad: it wasn't up to her it was up to me. Ima tell you everything you want to know soon I swear but if you have a couple of questions ask me now I'll try to answer truthfully.

Me: ok dad what type of business are you in like the company because all the other guys work with you because they told me so tell me what do you do?

Dad: I can't tell you that right now to keep you safe but that's why I sent you there to be protected and continuing male modeling or whatever you wanna do. I just want you to be happy and live a normal life while you still can.

After that it was my turn to go quiet. I really thought he would have told me but he hasn't at least not yet.

I realized I had been quiet for 10 minutes.

Dad: hello? You still there?

Me: yea sorry I was just thinking

Dad: listen son I love you and Idc that you like the same gender or anything but if I have to keep things from you for a little bit to protect you I will.

Me: ik dad. I gotta go I love you and call me every once in a while I miss you.

Dad: I will I promise and I love you too.

And with that we hung up. I didn't get any answers for real but ik my dad loves me I just wish he would tell me what's going on.

After the phone call I decided to go for a walk. The guys where sitting in the living room chatting when I walked by I barley noticed them I was to rapid up in my thoughts. "Hey Justin. Where you going? " Elijah said. I didn't answer because I could barely hear him it's like I was under water or something.

I didn't really notice he was in front of me looking down at me till he put his had on my shoulder, he was looking down at me with concern. Why is he so worried about me. "Sorry what did you say" I said. "I said where are you going because it's going to be getting dark soon" Elijah said again "I'm going for a walk I'm not going to be long I swear I just need fresh air" I said and with that he said ok and I left rapid up in my thoughts.

When I got back to the house it was dark so I just went to bed thinking about my parents, I don't really know why but I was. I guess I'm just worried, I have this feeling something is gonna happen soon I just don't know what it is.

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