Chapter 6~ Paperwork

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With a sense of relief I walked back to the Asahina residence... 

I'm sure they must be worried. I have been gone for two hours.... I reached into my pocket and had grabbed my phone I started looking at my call list.

"No missed calls huh?". I put my phone back in my pocket and continued walking. I stopped at the particular video game store me and Ema had passed during our arrival.

As the sun set the open windows of the place seemed to be shining. There was something about that place. Something that couldn't possibly be put in to words.

I opened the clear glass doors and walked inside...

This place was almost like an arcade. Except without the old video games. Play station fives, X-Boxes, & Nintendo switched were filled the area. Kids were playing in the interactive areas where they were able to try out certain games.

A particular man caught my eye. Despite being in a video game store and looking at different games he was holding a humongous stack of paperwork. And it seemed as though he was going to the back.

"Hey", I muttered to the man. " You need help with that?".

"Thanks but if you couldn't see I'm busy", The man . Wow rude. Like I mean I'm just trying to help.

"Actually",  I objected. "I can tell you need help just let me carry some as well, it's only the right thing to do."

"Fine, if you insist", The Man huffed angerly. "Wow this man's pride shoots straight through the sky", I muttered


"Oh it's nothing, nothing's wrong I totally wasn't doing something wrong!", I grinned at him in hope he wouldn't think I was talking bad about him even though I absolutely was.

"Okay...", In confusion he passed me some of the papers he was holding.  I was now able to take a good look at his face.

He was tall and had piercing deep violet eyes. The man's face gave me a sense of deja vu even though I was sure I had never met him before. 

To confirm this suspicion I asked, "Have we met?"

"No I assume we haven't" he said. Once he had opened his mouth I could see a small birth mark underneath his bottom lip. 

"What's your name?", I asked the blonde haired man.

"Natsume, Yours?"

"It's Y/n"

"What an interesting name ", Natsume teased

"Ah we're here", he said showing me the door to the back room. It must've been where the workspace and desks were but I never would be able to find out.

Suddenly someone pushed the door open and the papers  I held fell out of my hand slowly making their way to the floor.

A nearly balding man with a suit too tight to hide his large stomach came out of the room.


The man was glaring at Natsume " What are you doing!", the large man yelled in anger. "You're ten minutes late to the meeting!" "And what're you doing flirting with some girl!"

"Oh I'm sorry" I said trying to calm him down. " I was just trying to help him with his stack of papers he was holding". " I mean can you imagine me trying to date him! I'm WAY out of his league"

"Hah", Natsume chuckled. "You're out of my league, like hell you have a chance with me"

"At least I'm not the one who was late to an important business meeting because I was talking to some girl", I fired back

"Take your lovers quarrel outside and get a room you two", The nearly balding man interrupted. I felt my cheeks grow warm. " I'm sorry but this was a big misunderstanding", I said looking intently at Mr. Baldy. 

"We're not dating", Natsume and I said at the same time

"Well could've fooled me", The rude bald man said again. "Anyways", he started " I have to get you boyfriend here to his important meeting so make up soon okay!"

And he and Natsume had gone through the door leaving me alone with a bunch of paperwork and my cheeks burning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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