Prologue~ The Protagonist Is My Sister?!

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A beautiful  golden light had gleamed as I saw the silhouette of an almost swan-like woman appear.  She was speaking a language not English, neither Korean, it was a whole different language that I had never heard before. It seemed almost other worldly. But for some reason I could understand some of it, it was almost as if it was destiny. 

"Good Luck on your journey", the mysterious woman had said.

Her words sounded like sweet honey filling up in your mouth. It was so soft and beautiful.

The woman then spoke again, 

May you hav-

The woman faded away and I heard another voice, a familiar one but not one I knew of.






I slowly opened my eyes and remembered what it was. A dream, it was just a dream. A surprisingly familiar dream but a dream. I looked around and found myself in a taxi. 

"Are you ok Y/n?"

I turned around as I saw a girl with brown silky hair wrapped up in a side ponytail and her bangs leaned towards the left. She had bright brown eyes and was wearing a school uniform wrapped in a cream colored, oversized cardigan. She was beautiful and slightly familiar. And for some reason she had a squirrel wrapped with a polka-dotted bow perched upon her shoulder. Then I realized. The girl sitting next to me wasn't any ordinary girl, she was Ema. Ema Hinata was sitting there. The protagonist was sitting there. My sister was sitting there.

Character Info:

Name: Y/n L/n, Y/n Hinata, & Y/n Asahina (sooner in the story)

Nickname: n/n

 Age: 16 

Birthday: (Birthday)or (B-day) 

Height: 5'6 

Eye color: (e/c)

 Hair Length: (H/l) 

Hair Color: (H/c)

 Sexuality: (Y/s)

Favorite Color: (F/c)

A/n: Hi guys I am so excited about my first chapter of my first book.I am really hyped about it and hope you will be as hyped too! Also if you have any suggestions please tell me in the comments or message me!

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