Chapter 4~ The Path Leading Downhill

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      It had been a long time since Ema had woken up. Even though Masaomi said that she just had a fever I started stressing out. What if it was more than a fever I mean the plot kinda changed when Yusuke came downstairs right?! What's to say that the plot changed and she had like cancer or something. 

   I held my hand and let my fingernails press on my skin deeply. The more anxious I got the harder I pressed. The nervous thoughts kept coming.

What if she never wakes up?

What if I ruined the story by being here?

What if I accidentally killed her?

Of course I did only a pathetic loser like me could have ruined things for everyone.


Until a little boyish voice interrupted my thoughts

   It was Wataru. He had noticed my anxious behavior and gave me an optimistic smile. Reasurring me he said, "Don't worry big sis! She'll be fine!', "Right Masaomi!". "Right"

I paused for a moment and sighed. " Yeah you're right", I remarked as I removed my fingers from pressing too deeply on my skin. " Could I go to my room now Masaomi?"

"Sure Y/n just don't worry too much alright." he replied. "alright", I said. "Good we wouldn't want our precious little sister to worry to much", He added kneeling to put a new hot towel on Ema's head.

After taking one last look at Ema my feet sped up and I walked out of the room. I started to think about what Masaomi had said.


That word was pressuring. Did I really deserve to be called a sister after the things I've done. And I know I've done something wrong. As I try to remember my memories feel blurry , they're there and I know if they're bad or good but I just can't seem to remember no matter how hard I try.

"Who am I kidding, I'm acting like a crazy person", I mumbled. "I should go outside, it isn't good to stay alone in my thoughts anyways."

I had walked around for a while and stopped at a nature park. The gigantic sign hanging over me casting me in it's shadow.  This place gave me a sense of deja vu like I had been here before. It lured me in like a flytrap releasing it's scent to catch it's prey.

 " Park Genesis", it had said on the sign in bold fancy letters. I had heard the word before and knew it's meaning.  The park's name had meant start or origin. The name related to to me somewhat as I did have a new start. It felt as if the park might change something in my life or bring a new start of something to me. I just didn't know if that start was good.

A/n: It's been a while hasn't it. Sorry for taking such a long break everybody! My grandmother died so I've been needing to cope with that. I hope you like the chapter! SO MANY HIDDEN SECRETS OOOOOH. I wonder what will happen next? Also thank you for reading my story! You don't know how those comments make my day! Also feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! And Again thank you so much for reading my trashy work!

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