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2020, February

"And once I add my sign here... tada! My drawing of Mellow is over!"

I put my drink down as I'm excited to see Yeosang's drawing. A big smile appears on my face as he turns the A3 paper toward me and I see my little girl's face on it, "oh my God, Yeosang! It's so pretty!"

"Wow, it looks so real," Eunbi beside me gapes at the drawing as well.

"Well, I didn't spend four long semesters as an art student for nothing," Yeosang smiles as he puts his pencil behind his ear.

"Thank you so much, Yeosang. I'm going to put this on my wall as soon as I get home tonight."

"Since I'm done with Mellow, I better start drawing Byul or San is going to sulk again."

"We don't want to see that happen now, do we?" Eunbi shakes her head as she goes back to drinking her coffee.

"So, this is what you were working on?"

We all turn our head to see Gaeun standing beside our table, her eyes moving back and forth between Yeosang and his drawing.

"It's really beautiful!"

"Ah, thank you."

I try my best not to laugh as Yeosang's face gets red.

"You know, Miss Gaeun," Eunbi leans forward, "Yeosang is also really good at drawing pretty faces like yours."

A smile appears on my face as I catch on with what Eunbi is doing. My smile then turns into a smirk as I try to help her, "if you want, you can ask him to draw you. He's really good at drawing as you can see."

"Yea, you won't regret it," Eunbi nods.

"I, uh..."

I slightly snort as I feel Yeosang kicking my feet along with Eunbi's. But neither of us pay attention to his silent pleads.

"I don't want to bother him," Gaeun shakes her head. "He's busy--"

"No, he's not!" Eunbi shakes her head. "He's on winter break now, he has all the time in the world."

I want to add 'specially for you', but I suppress that thought, "trust me, you won't regret it."

"Well, if you say so..." she glances at Yeosang before looking away immediately. "But maybe some other time. He just drew this so it's better for him to rest his hand."

"There's no need for his hand to rest--"

"Come and ask him anytime you want," I cut Eunbi off.

"Al--alright," Gaeun nods before walking away, stealing another glance at Yeosang.

"I hate you two!" Yeosang speaks for the first time since Gaeun came over. "How could you do this to me?!"

"What did we do?" Eunbi and I exchange innocent looks.

"We're just helping our dear friend."

"Yea, nothing else."

"You weren't helping at all! You were making her uncomfortable!"

"Oh, please," Eunbi crosses her arms, "we're just helping you two get together."

"Well maybe she likes someone else," Yeosang pouts, looking away.

"You've got to be kidding me," I roll my eyes, "anyone can see that she's interested in you."

"What...?" Yeosang slowly turns to look at us again. "What are you talking about...?"

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