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2015, July

"My head is still spinning from all those numbers."

As Eunbi and I hear the familiar high tone voice, we turn around and see the three boys coming toward us.

"I really think I'm going to throw up," Wooyoung leans against Yeosang and makes gagging sounds.

"At least go somewhere else," Yeosang pushes Wooyoung so now he's leaning against San.

"That math exam surely gave me a headache," San looks at me as he holds unto Wooyoung so that he wouldn't fall.

"Hmm, yea," I nod my head, agreeing with San, "I got a headache halfway through the math exam. I'm just hoping I'll do well enough to please my parents."

"Forget math, I think I'm gonna get nightmares from the English exam," Eunbi sighs, "I think I'm gonna get a really low grade on that."

"Oh, yea English," Wooyoung shakes his head. "I totally messed up that one as well."

"Really?" I look back and forth between the two. "It wasn't that hard for me..."

"Well, of course it would be easy for you," Eunbi puts her hand on my shoulder. "You're really good at English, you always get the best marks in our whole class."

"Yea, the only subject I'm good at," I grin.

"Me too," San smiles widely and brings his hand up and the two of us high-five.

"Lucky..." Yeosang mutters, "that's the subject I'm the weakest at..."

"Okay, let's stop talking about exams before I really throw up," Wooyoung raises both of his hands. "What are you all going to do when summer break starts?"

"Not sure," Eunbi shrugs. "I'm probably going to be stuck at home, helping my mom take care of those two devils she calls her children."

"I'm just gonna do what I always did."

"And that is?"

"Stay home all day every day and watch dramas?" San asks and I nod.

"Wow, you know so much about her... And you've only been friends for a year," Wooyoung suspiciously eyes San. He then looks at Yeosang and pouts, "we've been friends for a year too! But I still don't know you that well."

"Hey, getting to know someone takes time," Yeosang raises his hands, "it's been just a year, we still have time."

"I only knew that because she told me about it herself," San says.

"Yea, and he's the same as me," I point at San, "except he plays games instead of watching dramas."

"So, you're both plan to stay home throughout summer break?" Wooyoung glances at me and San.


"That's what I'm planning on doing as well," Yeosang says.

"And I'm not gonna let you do that," Wooyoung nods. "You're hanging out with me, whether you like it or not."

"As long as I have an excuse to stay away from my home, I'm in," Eunbi nods.

"Perfect!" Wooyoung nods.

Oh, dear... I don't like going out... I wanna stay home...

"Okay, first things first! When summer break starts this weekend, let's go out to eat something to celebrate surviving the first semester of high school."

"Is there any good places you know?" San asks. "I don't know any places since my family hasn't eaten out much since we moved here."

"No worries," Wooyoung smiles, "there's this fast food place that my brother's friend works at. They opened quite recently but my family has eaten there a few times and the food is really great! We can go there. It's called Horizon Eatery."

One Day At A Time [ATEEZ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang