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2020, January

I tap my foot and bite the end of my pencil as I look around. It looks like none of my classmates have any plans of moving...

I sigh quietly and look back at my exam paper. I've already reviewed my answer three times! I run my hand through my hair and lean back in my seat.

At that moment, someone finally stands up and goes to hand in their exam paper.

I have to wait more... It'll be awkward if I get up right after him... I tap my pencil on the desk quietly as I wait more. When I see that someone else is about to stand up, I start gathering my stuff. I put my pencil and eraser in my pencil case and drop it in my handbag before putting its strap over my shoulder. I pick up my paper and jacket and go toward the lectern.

I bow my head and give a small smile to the professor before going out of the classroom, almost running. As soon as I close the door behind me, I let out a deep breath, "it's finally over..." If so many people weren't around me, I would've danced.

While walking through the hallway of my department, I feel a cold breeze so I put on my jacket. I smile at some of my classmates just to be nice and walk away before they can ask me how I did on the exam.

I get out of our department building and as I begin walking down the stairs, I see a group of girls circling around a boy. I recognize some of the girls as the freshmen of my department and I recognize the boy as well, his gold hair making him stand out even more than his good looks.

I shake my head as I see how Yeosang is just forcing a laugh while trying to get away from the girls but failing. He sees me coming toward me and I can tell from his eyes that he's relieved to see me.


"Hey," I nod at him as he tries to get past the sea of girls. "Sorry I made you wait for long."

"No, no," he smiles as he places his arm around my waist, "it's alright, don't worry about it. Shall we get going now?"

"Hmm, yea. It's cold."

The two of us nod our head at the girls before walking away from them. As we go toward the spot that Yeosang usually parks his car, his arm is still hanging around my waist. He opens the door of the front passenger seat for me and then closes it after I get in.

As he sits beside me in the driver's seat, I lean back in the chair and let out a deep breath, "it's finally over! We finished another semester!"

"Only two more years left..." Yeosang nods as he starts the car and begins driving. "Was the exam that hard? You took so long..."

"I was waiting for someone else to turn their exam paper in first."

"Right, the nervous feeling of being the first one to stand up and turn in their paper. I understand."

"Did those girls give you a hard time?" I turn to look at him, a playful smile on my face.

"Kind of..."

"I thought you would be used to it by now, Mr. Handsome."

"I'm not. And please stop calling me that."

"Okay, Mr. Statue," I laugh as I see him get flustered. "Why don't you just tell them off?"

"You know I can't do that..."

"Then pick one of them and just start going out with her. You know I can't always act like your girlfriend."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"I like someone..."

"The new part-timer at Aurora? Gaeun?" I look at him and wiggle my eyebrows.

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