9: Confession

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Isla's POV:

"The kiss?" she finished.
"Yeah," I said nervously.
"I mean it though," she simply said.

I got shocked of her comments.

" Y-yo-you mean it?" I asked unable to believe her.
"Well, yes. " she answered.

Does she likes me back? I can't believe what I just heard earlier but I'm so happy like really happy. I hope I didn't misunderstood it.

My face right now is full of confusion and excitement. I think she noticed that I'm confused so she speaks.

" At first, your so annoying but when I saw you again, I got attracted to your beauty. To be honest, I tried to be mad at you when you came to my room and locked it, but I can't. I can't stay mad at you." she said and reach for my left hand to hold it.

We're now holding our hands and to be honest, her hand is so soft.

"We can't. I'm your student and you're my teacher. You could lose your job. Or even worst, you would be in jail." I said worriedly.

She look down on the ground and back to face me.

"I'm willing to risk." she said bravely.

" But you don't even know me. You don't know my favorites, my hobbies, about my family's and you don't know what kind of person I am. " I said to her.

"We don't know each other yet," I said.

I can see her eyes lit up after she heard what I just said.

" We don't know each other [yet] ?" she asked me with my own statement and emphasize the word 'yet'.

"Yeah" I answered not sure if she really asked me with my own statement.

"So,,, does it means that there's a possibilities to get to know each other?" she asked me.

Now I know why she asked me about my own statements.

" Maybe, I don't know" I shrugged.

"Well...." she thrilled but the  bell rang signaling for the end of detention.

"Enjoy your lunch Isla." she said with smile but with a hint of sadness on her voice.

She let go of my hand and go back to her desk.

"You too Sam" I said and gets up. I get my stuff's and walk out of the room.

I headed to the school canteen to see my best friend Nheiree with a group of people on a table laughing. There's a vacant sit besides Nheiree so I expected it to be reserved for me. I went to their direction and when I get near, Nheiree invited me to sit besides her, which I gladly obliged.

She introduced me to them and starts to get to know each other. We talked about school happenings and on how she got a group of friends. She also told me that she got kicked out of her History class because of her bubbly mouth.

Can't blame the teacher though.

Nheiree is a kind, smart and beautiful girl but she's also crazy and of course, she's so bubbly. She can't shut her mouth. Even if she gets on trouble because of her bubbly mouth, she never break a law, except for being noisy.

I enjoyed my lunch with my friends to distract my mind to stop thinking about Sam and what she said earlier.

I used all of my strength to stop myself from being obvious that I like her.

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