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📍Auradon Prep

We all walk in and feel the burning glares from everyone in the castle. We immediately go up the stairs and into our dorms without saying a word.

I walk into my dorm and collapse onto my bed. I put my head into my pillow and wish the world away. I turn on my pillow and stare up at the ceiling. Living here is hard, it's easier to be bad.

I'm lost in my thoughts when I hear a knock at my door. I stand up, annoyed, and walk over to the door. I open it to see another guard in bright blue. That color is starting to make me nauseous.

"Prince Ben has requested your presence in his office." He says.

"Tell him I can't come." I brush off, starting to close the door.

"Um, ma'am." He says, causing me to open the door again. "He says it's mandatory." The guard says.

"Ok, thanks." I close the door.

I quickly change my clothes into a long baby pink satin dress and flats. It's loungewear, but dressy enough for the soon to be queen.

I walk out of my dorm room and down the stairs. I get odd looks from people, causing me to regret the bold outfit choice.

I make it to Ben's office and softly knock twice.

"Come in." I hear him say.

I open the office door to see Ben leaning on his desk with his arms crossed. I walk in and close the door behind me. Ben doesn't say anything, just stares me up and down.

I get self conscious and nervous, making me hold my hands together in front of my waist.

"What were you thinking, Alya?" He breaks the silence.


"You put the whole kingdom in danger. Helping a villain - a criminal - escape holding and onto the border? What the hell is that?" He fires.

"They aren't criminals Ben." I say quietly.

"If they weren't before, they are now. You too."

"Ben, they're my friends. I had to help, they caused no harm." I say, starting to get angry.

"No harm? They put Auradon on lockdown, Alya. Snuck onto our land, disturbed our peace, and now they're going home with no consequence."

"They had no choice." I urge. "They were under orders of Uma. You didn't even give them a chance to explain before locking them up-"

"Explain!?" He stands up off of his desk and raises his voice. "Alya, they snuck here. Knowing them and where they're from, we needed no explanation." He shouts.

I look at him in the eyes. "...Where they're from?"


"Where I'm from? Where so many kids in this kingdom are from? Is that what you take us for?" I snarl.

"Alya, all I'm saying is that people here are already wary of the VK's. They think you have no training, no morals. They see you as raised criminals." He says.

I pause, "Is that what you think?"

He looks at me for a minute, "Alya."

Before he could finish, I'm already opening his office door.

"Alya! Of course no-"

I slam the door behind me and rush up the stairs. I bump into a few students and get cursed responses. I ignore them and go to my room with tears in my eyes.

I shut the door and change my clothes into comfier ones. I get my journal out in a fit of rage and start writing everything I'm feeling. My encounters with Harry, my fight with the VK's, and my fight with Ben.

I write for hours until the sun goes down. I want to talk to the VK's, but the fight in the cell has the vibe kind of off. There's not anyone I can talk to.

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