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📍Auradon Cathedral

I let out a breath of relief when it's finally over. With everything happening this month, Coronation was just another weight on my shoulders. Now that this is over, and Ben is King, this day couldn't get any better.

Ben takes his new seat at the throne as everyone begins to make their way out. Everyone's going back to the school for the royal ball, an event that happens after every coronation.

The VK's and I move out of our isle and I whisper to them that I'm going to the bathroom. I swiftly slip away from the group and into the back hallway. Well, as swiftly as I can; considering how I'm wearing the most elegant and noticeable gown here.

Everyone is either swarming Ben or rushing the grand doors when I go to the back. I walk into the bathroom that's the size of a White House bedroom, and go to the 2nd stall.

When I'm done, I wash my hands and sit my clutch on the counter. I take out a few things and fix my makeup. I freshen up the best I can and even take a mint.

I walk out of the bathroom and down the hall. Just before I turn the corner back into the main room, I'm stopped. A tall figure walks toward me, immediately causing me to back up in order for them to not hit me. Hook.

He has a smirk on his face and a dark look in his eyes. He keeps walking me back until I hit the wall behind me, the look I see in him isn't like something I've seen before.

"Harry?" I breathe hard.

"Congratulations, queen." He sneers.

"Not yet." I nervously laugh.

He takes his hook and strokes my hair. He smiles wide and gets close to my face.

"Do you remember how it felt?" He whispers, his body on mine.


"Remember how you liked to be thrown and teased? Like a little slut?" He starts kissing down my jawline.

"Harry, the letter I sent you-"

"Fuck the bloody letter." He whispers, touching my chest through my dress.

"Harry, I'm serious. I'm with Ben." I move his hands.

"Ben won't know." He says, putting his hands back.

"Harry, stop."

He kisses my neck roughly, leaving marks.


He touches me through my dress.

"Stop." Tears fill my eyes.

He keeps touching me.

"Stop. Harry, seriously. Stop!" I weep.

Suddenly, he's thrown off of me. I see my favorite brunette with his slightly over sized crown in front of me with a face that I can only describe as pure rage. He shoves Harry into the hallway wall and immediately lands a punch. Then another, then another. I see his parents run in the hallway behind him.

His dad, Adam, pulls Ben back. He struggles with his son for a moment, pure adrenaline taking over Ben.

"Son. Son!" He roars. "You have duties." He has to remind Ben before he can finally pry him from Harry.

His mother, Belle, rushes over to me and holds me in her arms. My legs immediately give out and I collapse in her arms.

"Oh honey." She strokes my back.

Adam is rushing Ben and Harry from the hallway before we have a chance to talk. But before he leaves, he gives me a sorrowful and apologetic look.

Belle takes me and pulls me back into the bathroom. She sits me down on the bathroom sofa and goes into one of the stalls. She comes back out with a wad of tissue paper to wipe my eyes. She's wiping my tears away when we see Fairy Godmother come in the door behind us.

"I heard the scuffle." She says, speeding over to us.

She kneels beside the couch and holds me as well. The women help make me feel better, more comforted, and more supported.

They take me over to the sink and wash my makeup completely off before Fairy Godmother stands in front of me. She bippity boppity boo's my hair into a new style, my makeup into a fresh new face, and my dress into a totally different one. I thank her over and over and give the both a tight hug before we walk out of the bathroom together.

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