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📍Bike Garage

The VKs and I grab our designated bikes, and Harry grabs a spare one. We get our keys off of the hook on the wall and crank them up.

We put Harry in an even better disguise today, with the help of Mal's spell book. He still looks like him, but a clean face and even cleaner clothes.

We all hop on our bikes and ride to the museum. Harry trails behind us, as he doesn't know where the museum is.

The ride from the garage to the museum was fairly short. Only 4 minutes or so. We park our bikes a ways away from the museum, behind a few trees. If all goes south, we don't want someone to take our bikes.

We all hop off of our bikes, and Evie and Mal walk side by side up to the museum. There are only 2 outside, in each side of the huge doors.
We assume that the other guards are at other entrances.

When they get there, they immediately strike up a conversation. We can't hear them, but they seem to be leading the guards to one side of the museum, away from the doors.

The 4 of us start creeping up on the museum doors. Mal and Evie see us and continue to talk the guards' ears off. Carlos softly opens the grand door and we all slip in. We're stunned when we see a guard at the central desk, we should've planned for that. But to our benefit, he's asleep. Feet up and all.

We all look at each other, and I give them all the signal to go. Jay and Carlos break off to the right, while Harry and I go around the front desk and into the room that leads to the cells.

✿ ✿ ✿ Carlos' pov ✿ ✿ ✿

Jay and I tip toe to the right room and slowly open the door. We see 3 other doors behind that one, and immediately know which one to go into.

Jay opens the far right door to reveal an empty room full of monitors. Jackpot. We giddily sit in the office chairs, and get to work.

But there's one issue, we have no idea how to work this. There's only 15 of the 57 cameras showing up on the monitors and we don't know how to change it. None of the cameras are showing Harry and Alya, which means they can be seen. We look above the monitors to see a sign that's lit up with a bright red dot, 'On'.

Great, it's recording.

We really should've thought about this. We whisper shout over each other, trying to figure out what to do, before we ultimately decide to leave the room and ask for help.

✿ ✿ ✿ Alya's pov ✿ ✿ ✿

We quietly and carefully walk around the front desk and walk into the middle room. We pass Fairy Godmother's wand, and push aside the curtain behind it.

It reveals a long hallway that goes left and right, lined with cells. I give Harry a look, and he breaks off left. I go right and start looking into each cell.

They're all empty so far; except for one, where I see Chad. I abruptly stop.

"Alya?" He looks up at me.

"What are you doing here Charming?" I tease.

"I may or may not have made a 3D replica of Beasts crown. It was a joke, but apparently the king doesn't have much of a sense of humor." He explains.

"Hm." I nod, making a 'That's odd' face.

I rush off and keep walking down to hallway when I hear Harry yell to me.

"Alya! Here!" He yells.

I jog to the other side of the hallway to see Gil in the 3rd one down.

Gil hops up with a huge smile on his face.

"Harry, Alya, hey guys!" He smiles, as if he's not literally in jail right now.
"Alya! You look great. How's Mal? She ok? I heard she's had sort of a hard time here-"

"Gil." Harry puts hand up, signaling him to shut up.

"We're here to take you." I inform.

"Really?" He smiles even wider. "Well whip out the key and let's get goin'." He says.

Harry and I look at each other, empty handed.

The key. Shit.

We both run away from his cell.

"Wait, guys! Where are you going?!" Gil yells.

"We'll be back!" I shout as we leave the hallway.

Just as we make it back to the main room, we see Carlos and Jay running in too. What are they doing here? We don't even have time to care. The two boys sneak out of the museum door for god knows why.

Harry and I rush to the sleeping guard at the front desk. I scan his body for keys. I see them shining on his right hip. I slowly and steadily reach my hand to grab the keys when I hear a blaring alarm go off.

I look to the door to see the two guards from outside standing at the entrance with Mal and Evie standing behind them. I take it, Carlos and Jay accidentally revealed themselves.

Harry and I look at each other. Simultaneously, the guard in the chair wakes up from the loud alarm. He looks at me and I look at him. I yank the keys off of his waistband and we run back.

We sprint back to Gil's cell and unlock it, setting him free.

"What's going on?" We hear Chad yell. "What about me!" He shouts behind us as we leave with Gil.

We all regroup in the front room and just slightly make it out. Guards are now spilling into the area and we gotta leave, now.

We book it to our bikes, and Gil rides behind Harry. We start up our bikes and zoom off just as we hear the guards not too far behind us.

We drive dangerously fast and reduce our, supposed to be 8 minute trip to the barrier, to 3 minutes. I hop off of my bike with no time to spare.

I go over to Harry and Gil's bike.

"Ok, you know the barrier. Just ride until you get to the other side. Do not stop. Got it?" I instruct.

But instead of riding off, Harry gets off of the bike. He stands up in front of me as Gil gives him a confused look.

Harry grabs my hand and brings it up to him.

"Alya, I'll always be waiting for you." He softly says, planting a kiss on my knuckles.

I stare at him, stunned. He gets back on his bike and rides onto the barrier, that is now being closed by Auradon guards. They make it in the knick of time.

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