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📍 Alya's dorm room

I pick up my goodness and arts text books and place them on the floating shelf above my desk. I've been redecorating my dorm for hours, and I think I'm finally done. I'm doing my final touches, when I hear an announcement come on.

"Attention all Auradon Prep attendees." King Beast says over the intercom. "Auradon Prep is now on lockdown. I repeat, Aurdadon Prep is now on lockdown."

Lockdown? Ben has only ever showed me the lockdown protocol, it's never been put in place.  Auradon is supposed to be the safest place to be.

"Please do not panic, as no one is in immediate danger. Though, it is mandatory that everyone retreat to their dorms, lock their doors, and stay there until further notice."

Just as the announcement ends, I get knock on my door. I look up from my bookshelf, and toward my door. I pick up my phone from the desk and open my contact for Ben, in case of an emergency and I need to speed dial.

I slowly walk toward my door as the person on the other side knocks again. It's frantic and quick 3 knocks. I'm almost to the door when I hear them speak.

"Alya?" I hear a familiar Scottish accent call out through the door.

Wait. "Harry?" I ask.

I walk normally the rest of the way to the door and open it. There, I see a sweaty boy with black eyeliner and a red vest on. Harry Hook.

"W- Why are you here? How are you here?" I ask.

"Questions later, I need to come in." He pants.

"Oh! Yea, yea." I move aside so that he can step in, and I lock the door behind us.

"What's happening?" I ask, flustered.

Harry sits at my coffee table in the middle of the dorm while I go to my mini fridge and get him a cup of water.

"Long story." He says, catching his breath.

"We have time." I say, sitting down across from him.

"Well, I'm being chased." He starts. "I sort of snuck across the boarder and I sort of was spotted and I sort of ran into the school now they're sort of looking for me." He says.

"The guards? Harry, why in the hell are you sneaking into Auradon?" I ask.

"I don't even know." He confesses. "Uma sent Gil and I to get Mal and bring her back to her, for some plan. Gil got caught, I'm a lone soldier now." He says, throwing his head back and sipping his water like a drunk pirate.

"Ok, uh." I don't even know what to say.
"You can't stay here, we gotta get you somewhere. Stand up." I order him.

He sets his cup down and stands up in front of me. I wave my hand in the air and chant the spell.

"Let it be true by the power of the book, change his wonky isle look!" I exclaim.

Suddenly, his dark red and brown clothes morph into bright shades of white and blue. His vest turns into a blue suit with an Auradon pin on it and his jeans turn into blue dress pants.

Harry's dressed like a prep boy now, but his face doesn't look like it. I lick my thumb and go to his eye.

"Woah!" Harry exclaims, pushing my hand away.

"What!?" I jump back, surprised.

"What are you doing?"

I drop my shoulders and tilt my head. "Harry. No one here has a face full of eyeliner." I say, going back in.

He lets out a sigh as I wipe off his eye makeup. It isn't coming off, so I walk over to my vanity. I pull out my makeup wipes from the drawer and walk back toward him. As I walk back over to Harry, he quickly turns away from me.

"Harry, come on."

Harry takes off and runs to the opposite side of my dorm. I run after him, and soon, it's a chase. He's jumping on my bed, jumping over tables, and under lights. We laugh as I chase him around the dorm with my makeup wipes.

He's on my bed when I finally catch him. I tackle him to the bed and lay him on his back. He laughs and tries to get up, but I straddle his waist to stop him from moving.

"Jesus." I giggle, getting a makeup wipe out.

We both catch our breaths as I wipe off his eyeliner. He looks me in the eyes the whole time I do it, making me smile when I look into his.

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