Chapter 4: Love Can't Be Prevented (ChanBaek)

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Chapter Couples(s): Chanyeol X Baekhyun Focus

(Chanyeol P.O.V.)

"Chanyeol! New neighbors will be moving in soon. They have a son who is just a grade below you. Hopefully you two will get along." My mother says while on her computer.

"I'll help him get use to the new school and how insane it is." I enter the room and look over her chair at he screen. "Why are you looking up recipes for cookies?" I ask.

"So I can welcome them to our town and when they settle down, you will deliver them for me."

"Alright... They won't be moving in until the 1st of April, why are you planning so ahead?"

"I need to practice the recipe... We need more customers for our bakery, you know I have my ways of getting new customers. I'll casually slip in the menu for the bakery. The cookies will be so good that they will think it's from the bakery and there you go, we got ourselves new customers." My mother seems very confident.

"I think we already are doing well in business. The only thing that's not selling is the new homemade cannoli."

"Well I like my cannoli..."

"But no one else does mom."

"Too bad, I'll find someone who does."

"I bet you that you won't find anyone that likes them."

"Your father does... Right, honey?!" My mom calls for my father.

"No!" He calls back from the kitchen. I laugh and she doesn't say anything and continues to browse the Internet.


I walk to school and meet up with Baekhyun who is waiting on the corner of my street. He sees me and skips over to me happily. "Hey~!" He clings onto my arm, pulling me close.

"You seem pretty happy today." I smile.

"That's because I'm with you!"

"O-Oh..." I blush in surprise of his answer. I mean... We just started dating last week, throwing such a cute phrase at me caught me off guard. We enter the school and go to the old music room quickly practice before homeroom ends. I got out my guitar and just started strumming. Baekhyun grabbed a drink of water and sat down next to me.

The song we are practicing is an original created by Baekhyun and I for the school festival on April 28th. We don't have a name for it yet but it's a duet about two people in love with each other but can't be together due to their differences. For example, race, social class, religion. What sparked the idea is actually how Baekhyun and I can't together or can't come out that we are together because someone says that it's wrong and it goes against certain "rules" with our families. Love isn't just something that you choose and you can fight off. It's natural. Who ever you fall in love with, is who you fall in love with... You can't change it.

I drop him off at his homeroom and jog to mine. I make it right before the morning bell and take my seat. "You were in the music room again?" Luhan turns around and asks.

"Yeah. I was practicing a new song and editing lyrics with Baekhyun."

"I see... Since you're a song writer. How about helping me with a script for the drama club? Between soccer and drama club, it's hard to keep up with both."

"How about no... Ask Kyungsoo. He's a good writer."

"That kid in the library with that body guard?" He asks.

"Yeah. The body guard only is alarmed when you're a girl so it's fine... Actually you look like a girl so he might hurt you."

"Come on, I'm manly! Soccer is manly... Acting can be manly."

"Just go to Kyungsoo. He's really smart. I'll take you after school, I know his body guard."

"Uh, alright." Luhan says, unsure of his response.

"When you see the body guard at first, it's scary. He's like huge, Russian, and only knows some Korean. But now me and him have our own handshake I made up. He's actually really nice."

"You can make friends with anyone, can't you?" Luhan sighs.

"I don't know." I giggle.

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