Girlfriend | Trevor Zegras

Start from the beginning

Trevor leaves me to go back on the ice, and I decide to wait until after I've watched Trevor get named the winner until I'll start writing. Thank God I brought my textbook and laptop in case I had time to write.

I watch as he lines up with the other players, standing with Jack and Brekken. The three are talking and laughing as they wait for the judges to start announcing.

"And the winner of the NHL All-Star Breakaway Challenge of 2022, is Alex Pietrangelo of the Vegas Golden Knights!"

My jaw literally drops. "You've got to be kidding me." I jump up and start yelling at the TV. Not like it's going to do anything, but still. "That's bullshit! Trevor scored a goal blindfolded and Jack brings out a 10-year-old who was freaking awesome, but this guy who missed gets first? And he didn't even miss once! He missed twice! What the fuck is this? Is this because we're in Vegas? Because anyone who watched that knows damn well that he should've been long behind Trevor and Jack." I fume.

I huff frustratedly and collapse into one of the chairs, knowing I can't do anything about it but remind Trevor and Jack of how awesome they did.

- - - - -

When I meet up with Trevor and Jack at the end of the day, Trevor is upset about the challenge but isn't saying anything about it. Jack and I keep telling him how we know the scoring was bullshit, though.

"It was a score between one and ten for each judge. That score of nineteen is the reason he was leading. Even I should have been behind you. Granted, Brekken and I did awesome, but nobody can top scoring a goal blindfolded. It's ridiculous." Jack tells him. I know he's played it off to the fans and all that he's okay with the outcome, but he's upset about not only the way he ranked, but the fact that his best friend didn't win when everyone knows he should have.

Trevor just shakes his head. "It is what it is. There's no changing the judges' minds." He says, but I know Trevor, and I know he's upset.

"It's okay to be upset, Trev, honestly. You know how awesome you were out there. It's ridiculous that the judges didn't see it for themselves." I tell him.

"I told you, it's fine." He snaps, and I immediately stop walking. His shoulders slump as he realizes what he did. He turns to face me, his eyes expressing how sorry he is. "Y/N—"

I shake my head, crossing my arms. "I'm here, standing up for you and telling you how amazing you were today, and how do you say thank you? By snapping at me like I'm just some little bitch that follows you around. I am not that girl, Trevor. And I'm not going to bow down to you or forgive you easily. You damn well know that."

He takes a step toward me but stops when he sees the glare I send his way. "You know I didn't mean it, Y/N. You're my best friend. I'm just upset with the situation. I didn't mean to upset you, I swear."

"I know you didn't mean to, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt."

Jack looks at me, then Trevor, then back again before slowly starting to back away. "I'm gonna go. I'll see you two later." He doesn't wait for a response, just spins around and hurries off. So much for being subtle.

"So where does this leave us?" Trevor asks quietly after a couple minutes of silence.

"I don't know." I admit. I've never felt this way around Trevor before. He's my best friend; has been since our sophomore year of high school. And all the time I've known him, I've never felt so uncomfortable around him, so alone like he isn't right here next to me. And I hate it. I hate this distance that both of us have suddenly put between us without even knowing.

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