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Birds chirped their morning tune as bright light filtered through the window. I yawned and stretched out my arms as I sat up in the bed I forgot I had made my way to last night. I rubbed my eyes and yawned again, looking around to make sure I hadn't magically teleported or something.

I turned over to see Draco, but his side of the bed was completely fixed, and he was gone. I got up quickly and fixed my hair and outfit, and basically ran out of the room. I looked both ways down the hall to make sure there wasn't anybody there. Figuring the coast was clear, I ran down the stairs and out the front door of the common room. Just as I had made it past the door out, my heart stopped.

Playlist: "Mr. Perfectly Fine" by Taylor Swift

There he was, Mr. tall dark and handsome. I rolled my eyes. It figures that he would just happen to be in this area, especially after the hint of suspicion in his voice last night.

I walked right past him, keeping my head down and softly humming. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, surprisingly strong for 6:30 in the morning. "Where were you last night?" He looked down with a pursed smile. I shrugged my shoulders, "Not to be rude but...why does it matter to you? We're not together, so I'm not really required to tell you that." I turned over my shoulder again but he spun be back to face him. "It matters to me because like you, I am a prefect. When a concerned student reports to me that their roommate is nowhere to be found, it is my duty to find them." I rolled my eyes again, "Okay... well, if you must know I was staying over with a friend from another house. I totally forgot to tell Cho...and if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go tell her now." He stopped me again, shaking his head, "Whose dorm room?" I coughed, trying to hold back a laugh, "Okay, now that part I definitely don't have to tell you." I walked past him as his grip loosened and followed the staircases down to the Ravenclaw common room.

Just as I had suspected, Cho was standing right near the entrance behind the couch, arms crossed with a cross expression to match. "Where the HELL have you BEEN?" She threw her arms up in the air and scoffed, "I was worried SICK about you!" I winced, "I'm so sorry Cho, I meant to tell you but it slipped my mind." She sighed and reached out her arms to hug me, "I'm just glad you're okay." I looked up at the girl standing near her and smiled, "Hello Luna." She gave me a soft smile and a little wave, "Hello Grace, it's so good to see you." As Cho stepped back I looked up at her face and saw a hint of red flash across her cheeks. Luna looked down at her feet and sighed, "Well, I best be going now. I'll see you later then." She turned and walked off and I raised my eyebrows at Cho, "I didn't know you two were friends?" Cho looked down and smiled, "I was...thinking of asking her to the Yule Ball. What do you think?" My jaw dropped and I covered my mouth to keep from screaming, "DO IT" I whispered loudly. She smiled hard and giggled, "EEEK okay, okay! I'll do it tonight. I'm so excited!"



"Good morning Fred."

"Good morning George."

"Say Fred, what do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?"

"Hmm. I dunno George, what DO you call a fish wearing a bowtie?


"That's a good one. How about this one, what did our good old janitor Filchy foo say when he jumped out behind the bushes?"

"Hmm, what did he say?"


"That's pretty funny."

"Thanks, I thought of it myself."


I was sitting in the Grand Hall during study hours, flipping through the pages of my D.D.A. textbook and scribbling down notes on the parchment next to me. I sighed, and leaned my head on my hand. It was nice to have some time to myself, even if it was just for a bit.

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