"Brad what the actual fuck!" She replies as she pokes her head out a bit, he fires at her.

     "I'm sorry it's come to this, but you know what's got to happen. And you hold a very important secret of mine. You gotta go." This seemed to anger Lauren. Her once bright green eyes turn cold and grey.

     "You, a bitch of a man, I need you to run in zigzags so I can put a cap in that motherfuckers ass," she says to the man who was staring at her in complete shock.

     "Wha-WHAT?! Are you crazy" he yells at her.

     "GO! OR WE'RE ALL GONNA BLOW UP!" She yells at him her raspy voice thick with venom.

     Before the man could continue arguing I see in the corner of my eye, Andy makes a run for it.

     "ANDY!" I holler for him and step on the road. A bullet traveling at me, Lauren pulls me back into the side of her. She fires her shot at the man on the roof. He jerks and falls back out of sight.

     I look to see Andy on the other side of the road, he catches his breath. Amanda runs to him as fast as she could.

     "That kid got some balls" I hear Lauren say I turn to the man next to me.

     "YOU JUST PUT A KID IN DANGER YOU FUCK" I yell at him, he flinches. His jaw tightens.

     "DON'T YELL AT ME YOU BITCH! I DIDN'T SEE YOU MOVING!" He yells making a step towards me.

     Lauren points her gun in between his eyes. He stops putting his hands up.

     "Go on yell at her," she says calmly.

     He shakes his head no. Lauren pushes the gun into his forehead and harshly throws his head back.

     Lauren grabs my hand and we make our way to the left side of the sidewalk. By the time the older lady made her way, another explosion could be heard. This time closer than before.

     "RUN!" Lauren yells.

     We all make a dash for it, this time in a more open area. Another sniper shoots. This time hitting someone. The older lady falls to the ground with a bullet in her head. Blood pours out of her head, her eyes wide open.

     And just our luck. More zombies start coming out of nowhere. I pull out my gun along with Dinah who starts shooting the zombies running toward us.

     Lauren takes out the sniper in a blink of an eye, Amanda and Andy take out any weapons they have while the older man hides in the middle. This bitch.

     Another explosion followed by another and another. We run and run as fast as we can as far as our legs carried us. My legs start to hurt but I push myself.

     We run into an alleyway and stop to breathe. The only thing that could be heard was the breathing of 6 people. An explosion goes off echoing in the alleyway, but we knew it wasn't an echo. Bright red and orange followed by heat start to fill the alleyway. We take off running again.

     By the time we get out of the alleyway, we make our way to the wall. This part makes me gulp, all the dead bodies I've seen in this area is something else. Lauren sees me tense up, grabbing my hand she squeezes it for comfort as we begin walking to catch up with the rest. I look to the right of me seeing designation one in London fall.

     Designation one of London has fallen.

     We make our way into a grassy area led by Lauren who was still holding my hand.

     "Where are we going?" Andy asks.

      "Well, speeds we're going to find a safe place to wait for Mani," Lauren says smiling at the younger boy who smiles at the nickname.

     "Speeds?" He asks.

     Lauren smiles nodding, "hell yeah, you got some speed, you run faster than no balls over here" she gestures to the man who walks behind the rest of us.

     I laugh out loud and push myself more into Lauren feeling more comfortable with her. She doesn't seem to notice I think she liked it so much because she squeezed my hand.

      "No balls what's your actual name?" Lauren asks.

     "What is it to you?" He spits back venom. Lauren pulls out her gun pointing it at him.

     "Just curious you know?" Lauren smirks as she sees him gulp.

     "S-Steven," he says.

     Lauren puts her gun down humming in approval.

     "No balls Steven sounds good," she says satisfied. Laughing harder than before Lauren laughs with me along with everyone else.

     "Why doesn't everyone else have a name?! What about brown hair over there huh?!" He points to me.

     Lauren gasps shocked being sarcastic.

     "She has a name! It's Camz" Lauren says putting a hand on her chest. My heart jumps down to my stomach, my face gets a little red as butterflies swim in my stomach.

     Lauren. Mmm. What's a name for her?? L-... OH, I KNOW! Lo or LoLo!! Perfect.

     "Whatever, what about her" he points to Dinah who was swatting away bugs.

     "DJ of course," Lauren says as if it was the most obvious thing.

     "What about the girl?" He asks getting more annoyed.

     "Amanda bear" Amanda smiles at the nickname feeling pleased.

     "And you? I bet no one has a good name for you?" He says crossing his arms.

     "Of course, she does" I roll my eyes at him scoffing.

     "It's LoLo" I smile seeing she turn a shade of red. How cute, how unexplainably cute.

     "THERE LOOK!" Andy points to a carousel. ARE WE HERE?!

     Lauren smiles "WE'RE HERE!!" She cheers. Just in time, it was starting to get dark.

     "Welcome to run downtown," Lauren says, smiling we sit on the ride breathing and resting.

     Lauren tried getting through to mani, but she wasn't lying when she said the service would be cut out.

     Now it's time to wait.


CHAPTER FOUR 😈HOPE YALL LIKEEEEE IT!! But before I continue I would like to say something. Y'all know that account Potato_potato12? Well hello, that is me. I lost that account because my phone got messed up badly. I tried to do everything I could to get that account but literally couldn't. I was hella pissed so then I just made this account. I didn't wanna say anything because I didn't want people thinking I was lying which btw I ain't. But yeah now dis is my new account.💪😈


28 weeks laterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora