Well, until my laptop decided to die.

"GODDAMMIT!" I shrieked, slamming the lid down. "What the fuck am I supposed to do?!"

"Baby, we can get you a new laptop," Asher called from the bathroom where he readied himself for his third week at the office. Oof, seeing that man in a suit every day was well and truly my kryptonite. BuisnessPorn was a market that Asher Wilde had cornered.

"I have a bunch of shit I need to post TODAY, or people are going to start getting pissed. I have set days I do things, Asher. There's a reason people pay me."

"Yeah, well, shit happens."

I whined like a temper tantrum throwing child and kicked my feet against the shaggy black rug under my desk chair. "You're not HELPING!"

I heard his laugh before his face appeared in the doorway, shaving cream above the line of his permanent scruff, clear eyes glittering like an expensive pile of diamonds. "What would you like me to do, darling?"

"Shoot me."

"Seems a bit extreme, doesn't it?" Asher retorted with a chuckle as he sauntered in, all long legs and pinstriped boxer shorts. He placed his hands on the back of my chair before dipping his head and pressing a kiss to my temple. "Mine's downstairs on the table. Use it if you need to."

"Don't you need it for work?" I asked quizzically.

"Nah. I have a work computer at the office."

"And WHY didn't you mention this twenty minutes ago when I started panicking?!"

Asher smirked, heading back toward the bathroom. "You were too busy screaming obscenities to listen."

"You're a jerk."


I reached up to brush my hair behind my ears and instead came back with fingertips full of shaving cream. "Oh! You are DEAD!" I sprung up from the desk chair just as Asher started giggling like a villain from some kids' show and darted into the bedroom, trying to get the door shut as I slammed my palms into it. "You can't lock me out of my own room!"

"I can if I'm scared for my life!" Asher shouted in return. "How are you so fucking strong?!"

"I work out, bitch." I shoved my shoulder into the door, HARD, and Asher leapt back with a shriek, springing onto the bed like the floor had turned to lava. "Do you always scream like a Disney fucking princess or..."

"You're terrifying!" Asher laughed as I lunged at him.

"Get over here and fight me like a man." I sprang up onto the bed and started jabbing at him. Asher dodged and laughed before taking my wrists in his much larger hand and winding my arms around my back.

"Stop it," he snarled playfully before smacking a kiss onto my lips. "I have to get ready for work, you weirdo."

"You started it!"

"I'm gonna fucking finish it, too. Get over here." Asher let go of my wrists just to wrap his arms around my waist and bodyslam me into the mattress.

I giggled as I squirmed under his body, but I could quickly feel that this little play fight was going to lead to something much more enjoyable, or at least more pleasurable. "You're gonna be real late if you don't get off me."

"Good thing I'm the boss, huh?" Asher flashed a devilish grin as his mouth moved closer to mine. He quickly closed the rest of the space between us and crushed his mouth against mine, his tongue instantly prying between my lips with a furious swipe.

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