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I can feel my eyes, they're heavy. I try to open them, to see what's so bright. It's so hard to push them open when I made it, I opened my eyes and I see machines? the room is white it looks like a hospital. I look down on me and see the typical hospital clothes and a white blanket.

I try to lift my hand but its heavy, I look around the room when I hear mom again.
"He'll survive, please leave him. only for one more week" she says I turn my head and see her standing few inches away. next to her is a man I don't know him, he's wearing white clothes. he looks like some doctor.

that's when he speaks up.
"Mrs. Styles. Your son is in coma since two weeks. he's no longer stable" he says with a raspy voice. I don't understand a single word that's when mom is turning her head towards me, her eyes are red and puffy like she cried the whole day.

when she's looking at me I try to put a smile on, to make her feel better. her face goes white, she looks at me in shock.

"I think we sh-" the doctor started but mom interrupted him.
"Harry?!" she said in disbelieving.
I still try to smile when I answer.
"Mom" I was shocked by myself my voice was quiet, I couldn't understand myself right.
that's when mom Is running towards me and the next thing I feel, is her arms wrapped around me and her crying into my shoulder. I try to lift my hand so I can show her, I'm here for her, but its still so heavy.

that's when mom get pushed away from another hand.
"please, we have to check him before you can hug him that tight" the doctor said looking at me in disbelieving. my mom nodded, blowed a kiss towards me and makes her way out.

some nurses came inside and they made a check up with me. I still have no clue why I am here and where louis is. I'm confused and just want to go home. I try to ask the doctor when he starts speaking up.
"You're okay Mr. Styles, it was a surprise that you woke up. do you remember anything what happened?" he ask me.

"call me harry and No, I'm a bit confused to be honest, I was just talking to mom when everything went white and I found myself here" I say still in confusion.

"well you need some rest harry, I'll tell your mom to visit you tomorrow. you should get some sleep and I'll explain everything tomorrow" the doctor said and leaves me alone in my room.

"how are you feeling?" the doctor asks me the next morning.

"oh I'm so much better, thanks for asking." I said smiling back.

"so we have to talk about what happened so we see how far you can remember everything" he said. I agree with nodding my head.
"what's the last thing you remember?" he asks me.
I explain him that lou came back and that I was scared he'd leave again and all about the time with mom.

he looked surprised and confused.
"who's lou?" he asks me.

"louis tomlinson, he's my boyfriend." I said proud even tho he never agreed to that since he came back.

the doctor gulped, it confuses me when he tells me to listen to him and don't start panicking. It confused me even more when he starts to speak up.

"well harry, you were in coma for two weeks. the police got a call from a stranger telling them, that some car accident happened in the city of london. the persons which were involved are louis tomlinson and you harry. You were driving and the police guessed you were distracted, so you had no control and your car deviated from the road. we found you, still breathing so we got you to the hospital, and you fell in coma. I'm sorry to tell you that right now but louis tomlinson didn't made it, he died at the accident site." he said looking at me with a sad expression.

I can see you | ~L.S.Where stories live. Discover now