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"You really want them to come over?" he asked me. Louis and me woke up and started disgusting, I wanted to invite the boys so Liam, Zayn and Niall. Louis is against it, he still didn't told me why.

"Why? They're your friends too, and we haven't seen all of us since two years" I said looking at him still trying to convince him.

"I don't want them to talk about us all night long" he said pounding like a little child.

"Lou, they won't we tell them we're you know friends and they'll shut up, and this may distract you a bit"

"don't need any distraction" he said crossing his arms and looking down.

"Louis, you're sad since we woke up and nothing I did helped, you said on your own you probably need some distraction" I said coming towards him.

"I know" he mumbles then looking at me.
"sooo this is an yes?"

"yes okay, they can come" thank god. I was thinking to myself while getting my phone out of my back pocket. I wrote everyone to make sure if they got time, it took me by surprise that all of them got time. and it always made me go crazy because I don't even know what I should cook for them.

"Stop being so overdramatize"
Louis gets me out of my thoughts, he probably noticed my little panic attack.

"'m not" I answer while thinking what to cook. that's when I feel louis' hands wrapped around my torso, I start smiling, laying my hand over his to feel him.

"you still think too much, don't worry they'll eat everything you cook, specially nialler" he said while having a little smile playing on his lips and his chin on my shoulder. I enjoy holding each other for a little while when I get out of his grip and make my way towards the front door.

"I'll go get something from the supermarket, stay here and make yourselves comfortable, bye" I explained while putting my shoes on and leave the house.


I come back with two bags in my hands, one full of vegetables and fruits the other one with beer and sweets. I put the bags down to search for my keys so I can open the door. I just entered the house when all I hear is silence.

"I'm back!" I yelled so I get some reaction from louis, but still nothing. confused I pick um the bags and close the door so I can go towards the kitchen to put the bags on the counters. when I did all that I make my way upstairs not forgetting to look downstairs after louis.

"Louis?" I asked,still no answer. the bathroom door is open so I guess he isn't in there, I make my way towards the guest room. I knock gently but still silence I open the door slowly asking after louis again. when I can't hear any answer I go in completely and what I saw makes me panic.

everything is cleaned, the bed is made, I open the closet when I find nothing. he left? he left again, when everything started to get better?? I was thinking to myself, tears building up again. I couldn't think about cancelling the boys all I wanted is to wrap myself up on my bed and cry. my tears are already falling when I run towards my door, I was just about to go under my blankets and curl myself into a ball.

But I couldn't, I see someone is sleeping in there, the blanket over his head all I can see is brown hair. I couldn't believe this would be louis till I lifted my blankets and all I can see is louis. how he's sleeping there peacefully. my last tears left when a smile creeps on my face, that's when I turn around to go towards my closet. and there're louis clothes right next to mine, right in that place I never used because it was his. it was empty for two years and now I can see that wonderful and funny chaos of his clothes again. I smile wider when I turn around to look at louis again. I make my way towards my bed, to lay down and look at him sleeping. I was just about to make myself comfortable when I see louis moving. I stopped moving just hopping that I didn't wake him but he slowly opens his eyes and I can see the beautiful blue color again. he starts smiling at me his eyes still half open.

"hey." he said with the cutest and sexiest voice ever. I love his voice after he woke up it's so calming and relaxing.

"you watched me?" he said again that's when I get out of my thoughts and look at him. I can see his eyes go wide, I was confused when I could feel louis' hands on my cheeks.

"did you cry??? your eyes are red?" he asked me panicking. I just look at him, not able to answer that fast.
"harry?! are you alright" he ask again when I raise my voice.

"yeah, sorry don't worry" I said not wanting to worry him.

"no tell me, what happened? why did you cry" he said still holding my cheeks.

"I just thought you left again, because the guest room was emopty but then I found you here, so everything's alright" I say looking at him smiling.

"Hazza. I'm sorry, you said I'm allowed to make myself comfortable if you want me to go back into your guest room that's fine." he said putting his hands away. I grap them immediately to hold them.

"No I like it, I just didn't expected it that's all." I say still smiling, he smiles back when we just smile at each other for the next minutes.
Kiss him. Now kiss him now! the voice in my head tells me but all I do Is clearing my throat and standing up. he looks at me with a hurt expression for a short time when he stands up as well.


*door bell ringing*

"Lou, can you please open the door? I'll be there soon!" I yell downstairs while trying to get into my pants. I finished cooking and went to have a shower. I kind of missed that's gotten that late and now our friends are already there.
I can hear nialls loud laughing while putting my shirt on and make my way downstairs as fast as possible. I went into the living room where I see all my friends with louis.

"Harry mate, nice to see you" Liam says while making his way towards me to give me a quick hug. before I was able to answer I hear niall's voice again.

"I'd love to say the same but I'm quite sure you'll go back upstairs every next second when I tell you that your shirt is up side down." he says I look down at myself and he was right. I got deep red when I make my way upstairs again, with following laughers downstairs.

When I came back down zayn and niall said hey as well and we made our way into the dining room. We sat down while louis got beer for him and zayn and I got some wine for niall and liam and for me as well obviously.

"how has it been harry" liam ask me. I'm confused till now I never saw one of the boys talking more with louis. they just said hi and thanks because he got that beer for zayn.
"well since louis is back, I feel so much better. and we kind of talked much about what happened and I guess we're on good lines, right?" I turn my head to louis who's sitting right next to me he's agreeing and says we should start eating.

"that's good let's eat" I say getting up to serve my food.

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