Love lasts

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three days ago he came over, three days ago my whole life changed,
three days ago he came back and I don't know why.
He got no job, he never leaves my house, he never said he needs privacy to work he's always there.
Why is he there?
Suddenly my door opens and I see louis coming inside looking at me. I turn around to ignore him, that's when he speaks up.
"I'm sorry" he says I turn around now looking at him, what does he think? I forgive him and we can fuck?

"What do you want" I say looking at him in anger.
"talk?" he asked me looking at me with a questioning look.
"I don't think so, I know what you want and I want to let you know I won't give you that"
"give me what"
"quick fucks, I won't just let you fuck me, also I thought three days it's the fourth day what are you still doing here??"
"I uh- Zayn said I have to stay longer" he said acting insecure. What's wrong with him? Why is he acting so weird? why would zayn tell him to stay longer didn't he said something about a client.
"what about your client?"
I said looking at him raising my eyebrow in confusion.
"he eh he said he doesn't need me anymore."
"so why would you stay longer? why are you here? tell me the truth you're lying and you know how much I hate that." I said turning around to stand up getting dressed.
"I'm not lying" what is his fucking problem? I'm not stupid I know he's lying.
"JUST SAY THE FUCKING TRUTH" I yelled, I couldn't hold it anymore, he always lied to me always made up some stories.
I hate it, I'm done with that, I'm done with him.
"I'M HERE BECAUSE OF YOU!" he yelled back, I stopped in my movement, I turn around looking at him. he got tears in his eyes again he is close to start crying and it hurts to see him like that. I got nothing to say my mind is blank.

"I'm here because I still love you, all the fucking years I thought about you. I thought I could move on without you but it never worked. I'm as much hurt as you are, I miss you every single day every single minute, I need you."
I'm still looking at him, tears falling down his cheeks, I can feel my tears building up. I said I don't wanna cry anymore! I thought to myself still looking at him. I couldn't hold them back and start crying I speak up my voice broken.
"but you left me" I said looking down, still crying that's when I feel louis' hand on my shoulder I look up right into glassy red/blue eyes.
he looks at me whispering 'sorry'.
I couldn't hold myself back I still love him, I can't act like that anymore. I immediately wrapped my hands around him crying into his shoulder he grabs my back to hold me closer, laying his chin on my head.
I cry into his shoulder just feeling safe, when I noticed the movement of his chest to speak up.
"I love you harry, I always did. the past is the past just let me back in your heart I promise I won't hurt you ever again." he said looking at me. I get out of his touch, looking at him.

"Harry please" he whispers his voice broken.
"I can't Louis"
"please, it hurts me it always did, I promise I'll never hide anything again, I'll never lie again. I just want to be yours again. Take me back, don't you love me?"
I look at him tears still in my eyes, I didn't answer so he speaks up again.
"You don't?" he asks me almost whispering his voice full of emotions.

"I need time, you can't expect me to forgive you just like that" I said.

"I understand" he's looking at me taking back a few steps.
"Guess I'll pack my stuff then" he said turning around, starting to move towards the door. I couldn't let him go like that, I immediately grab his wrist when he turns around looking at me.


I say still looking at him. "why should I stay? you don't love me anymore, you don't want to give me a second chance" he said looking down.

"I never said I don't love you anymore, I just need time"

"how long?"

"I don't know" I whisper, I know I still love him but I can't just act like nothing happened. that's when he gets his wrist out of my grip and leaves my room, not missing to say bye.
I follow him out right to the guest room.
"Louis please, understand me."

"I do understand you, but you need time, and it's better to have this time on your own"

"I had two fucking years on my own." I mumbled looking at him.

"you do know this won't work out, if you can't forgive me." he said while grabbing his bag.

"please" I said without even knowing what I'm asking for.
"what harry?" he said still packing his things. I step closer to him so I can hug him from the back and that's what I'm doing right away.
"what are you doing harry?" he said when he stops packing his stuff but doesn't move away.
I lay my head on his back mumbling
"just stay" I can feel his chest breathing heavy.

"but" he starts when I interrupt him:"I still love you, just stay and we see what happens" I said still pressing myself on his back enjoying his warmth.

"Harry" he said now grabbing my hands, which were wrapped around his waist pulling me away and turning around. I'm looking at him but stay back. "I hurt you, and you clearly are mad at me. You always start holding my mistakes against me and I can't do that" he said looking at me.

"just stay for a few more days, I promise I won't mention this again and we start from the beginning"

"you want to start again?"

"back to the beginning" I said stretch out my hands so he can grab them. he lays his in mine and I close our grip.
"back to the beginning" he whispers looking at our hands.


I'll forget the past, I'll let you back in my heart. I'll go back to the beginning, I'll love you as much as I did back then. I'll always be there for you and listen to you. because I never could stop loving you. I was thinking to myself while
laying in my bed in the middle of the night just staring at the ceiling.
Just waiting for the next day to start our new beginning.

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