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The Group had all sat around the couch, (Y/n) now sitting up fully, still leaning back slightly. His phone sat on the table, charging, when it rang loudly. Droid stood and picked it up off charge, looking at the contact.

"Who's 'Good Throw'?"

Looking back, he held his good arm out as he answered the phone, placing it to his ear.


"Deamhan? Oh thank god you're ok. listen, you need to come down to the shop now, I got something you may want to see."

"Chuk, I cant really walk all that good right now-"

"I'll Drive you there."

He looked over at Pezzy, who had since stood up and grabbed his keys and jacket.

"Well, I'll be there soon I guess."


The drive there was mainly telling Pezzy what roads to take, mainly backroads to avoid being seen. The eventually pulled up to a car shop in the center of a town. Pezzy got out and walked around, helping (Y/n) over to the door where Pezzy knocked, the door opening.

Chuk was an older man, his hair had all bladed off minus a goatee, he was slightly on the bigger side but looked strong, probably due to working on vehicles most his life.

"Jesus, Deamhan, he really tried to tear you a new one, didn't he?" Chuk chuckled. "He sure did, Just set me down on those crates, alright?" he said softly to Pezzy, who complied and helped him sit. "So, what's going on?"

"Its about Danny, See, he got away, but he sure as hell wanted you to know he wanted a rematch." He said, uncovering his car, which had been scratched to all hell, engraved into the side was one word.


"Oh hell no." (Y/n) said, standing before wincing and sitting back down. "I'm gonna kill that mother fucker." Chuk placed a hand on his good shoulder. "Not in this shape you're not. I can fix the car, but you need rest. I already have the cops on his ass, gave them a lead, but someone wanted to talk to you-"

"Chuk, you fuckin didn't-"

"Watch your language, (Y/n)." looking to the back corner of the garage, out stepped a man that looked similar to him, minus his eyes. He was taller than (Y/n) by a bit, wearing a t-shirt that read 'Huston police department' and some jeans. 

"Hey... Dad."

Pezzy was confused. His dad was an officer? But he was doing something illegal and he very clearly knew, so why hadn't he been arrested?

"I heard what happened. Are you ok? Recovering alright?"

(Y/n) nodded as Pezzy stood next to him. "And you are?"

"Everyone calls me Pezzy, Sir," He coughed nervously as the officer stook out his hand for him to shake, taking it. "Clint, Chief of police, good to meet you."

'Holy shit this guy is scary,'

"I'm not here to talk to you about racing, just need to ask some questions about Daniel. Could you two please give us some privacy?" Clint said as Chuk and Pezzy left the building. Shutting the door, Chuk pulled out a cigarette and lit it, taking a drag before offering it to Pezzy who shook his head. "Sorry, not much of a smoker."

"It's not for everyone, so you and Deamhan, huh?"

Pezzy's face went red as he looked at Chuk, who just smiled. "I've Seen the way he looks at you. You know a guy long enough you know what looks he gives mean. He hasn't given anyone that look in a while. You're one lucky fella." He said, taking another drag.

"What look?"

"Admiration, kindness, he also talks to you in a voice I've never heard from him, gentle, patient."

"You got all that from one sentence?"

"It's a talent."

The door opened again, Chuk dropping the cancer stick and stepping it out as Clint stepped out. "I got what I need. When we catch him, I know what charges to put." Clint said, Chuk walking back in.

"Oh, and Pezzy?"

Clint placed a hand on his shoulder, Leaning down to talk to him. "Take care of him, alright? I ain't gonna be around forever."

"Y-yes sir."

And with that, Clint jogged off, back into town.



𝓛𝓪𝓽𝓮-𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓡𝓪𝓬𝓮𝓻 (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now