I glanced at him, as he started drooling.
I simply moved my left leg, crossing it over my right.

I was about to grab my headphones from my bag, and my pump went off. My face scrunched up in embarrasment for a second, but immediately changing when Daichi spoke.
"Was that Hinata?" Daichi swivvelled his head around the seat infromt of my own.

"Probably" I hummed back, too involved with fighting off mobs from my crop garden in minecraft to notice the missing weight off my shoulder.

Shoyo spluttered awake next to me, and frantically searched for his phone.
He saw it just next to my leg and snatched it from the seat, as if it were about to eat it.
He looked puzzled as there seemed to be no notification from dexcom.

He looked at me, then saw my pump screen on. He obviously knew it read low because he shoved a bunch of sweets into my lap.
"Sorry Daichi," He apologised. Daichi eyed me for a second but soon turned back to face the other third years.

He got irritated quickly, watching me ignore him and focus on minecraft.
"What?" I asked, after Shoyo's 100th attempt at trying to get my attention.

"Eat." He stated.

"No." I answered.

"Eat." He warned. "Or i'll tell everyone you're diabetic"

"You wouldn't," I whispered.

"I would." He asserted, smirking.

"What was the point in putting effort to hide it then? Éstupido" I murmured.

"Don't you insult me in french!" He leant back, offended.

"Spanish, pendejo." I laughed.

"You're bilingual Sam?" Nishinoya turned his head to nosy his way into our conversation.

"Trilingual..." I corrected.

"Woah! What languages?"cHe queried.

"Uh... Japanese, English, Spanish, and a little french, why?" I answered.

"That's so cool!" He complimented.

"Thanks," I smiled.

Noya eyed me for another second. "That was really british of you" He giggled. Before I could answer back he was already back to yelling with Tanaka.

Shoyo looked at me, and I finally caved in and sighed; I opened a bag of Konpeitō and popped a purple coloured candy into my mouth. The flavour melting on my tongue.

It took most of the trip to get my sugars stable, which was particularly annoying, as Shoyo wouldn't let me sleep "In case I didn't wake up again," Yet i'd been doing exactly that every night for the past 4 years.
I've yet to never wake up again.

Hinata POV:

"Look! The sky is pink!" I said excitedly. It had just gone six o'clock, and the first signs of night were showing. The sky was filled with pink disorderly clouds, in an orange and darkening blue sky.

"Wow!" Yachi exclaimed. She started taking photos on her new instant camera. Sam was struggling with their sugars. They had a low in the first twenty minutes, which took ages to bring up. I was confused on as to why they didn't seem bothered about it, they didn't care that they were low, they didn't try and bring it back up again. Maybe it was just too exhausting to cope with. I prayed that it never would happen to me. Sam was okay now, but tired from all the lows, but I was cut out from my worried thoughts by Yachi snapping photos of us. Kageyama tried to steal the camera to stop his photo being taken, but I snatched it off of him and took a photo of me and Sam. I passed the camera back to Yachi, who then took a nice photo of Kiyoko looking out of the window.

Sugar-Coating it (Diabetic Hinata)Where stories live. Discover now