Chapter Twenty-One: Memories of the lost

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Hashirama sat at the table sipping a cup of water as he listened to his clansmen report. They had come to this village two year ago and had set up a base of operations they had been hired to protect this village from bandits as it was one of the biggest farm villages in the land of fire which provided food for the futile lord. Of course they took on other jobs as they protected the village.The villagers were peaceful but always tried to avoid the Senju with the exception of a girl who lived on the outskirts of town.

Said girl had long blue hair and yellow eyes, her skin was tan and she tended to wear male clothes that were rather baggy on her small body. The girl's name was Shion and she and her grandfather let the large shinobi presence set up camp near their farm.

"We've tracked the Uchiha back to the land of Lightning, they seem to be working for the futile lord there"said Tobirama in a serious tone as he pointed to a point on the map where the Uchiha were supposedly. Hashirama nodded "very good, knowing Madara he wont stay quiet for long, and seeing as our last confrontation was a few months ago we are due for a visit" sighing Hashirama took a sip of his water "we need to be extra vigilant the Uchiha can not destroy this village" informed Hashirama with a glance out a window.

He wished he could have a village as peaceful as this one for shinobi. He had hoped to create that village with Madara and Akame . . . but, she was gone now and Madara hated him because of his hand in her death. If she had not left them, Madara would not have become cold, heartless, or brutal."Understood" acknowledged the shinobi in the room before being dismissed to their various tasks. "You seem uneasy brother" said Tobirama crossing his arms as he sat opposite his brother. "I am, ever since Akames death Madara's become increasingly more powerful, I fear the curse on the Uchiha has a grip on him after all" said Hashirama in a sad tone. He still cared for the Uchiha, after all the two had once been friends. A relationship Hashirama hoped could be restored.

"I see," said Tobirama, closing his eyes in thought. "I feel as though it is my fault that peace is so unattainable, perhaps had Akame liver peace could have been achieved" Tobirama shook his head at his brothers words."peace is not a word in the Uchiha vocabulary brother, to no fret over such matters" Said the white haired male as he stood from his spot at the table and headed towards the door. Hashirama watched his younger brother leave with great turmoil inside his heart. He had not yet fully gotten over the girl's death and he had an inkling feeling that neither had Madara after all the three of them were thick as thieves.

"Hashirama stop getting so depressed all the time it's fine really" said Akame with a bright smile on her face, her hair dripping wet as she treaded water. Hashirama hugged his knees, his head resting on them as Madara just scolded him. "Come on guys, if I have to be wet for the rest of the day you two do too, so come on jump!" she called up to the boys who stood/sat on a large rock overlooking the river where Akame was currently. Her clothes soaked and her hair floating around her. "I guess" mumbled Hashirama as he stood up and walked to the edge and looked down at the smiling, soaked girl. " It's kind of hig-" he began but didn't get to finish before he let out a yell of surprise as Madara kicked him off the rock. Hashirama tumbled through the air before epicly belly flopping into the water below and sinking. Madara let out a triumphant laugh as he placed his hands on his hips and looked down at Akame and the now emerging Hashirama who looked like he would throw up."ow" he moaned rubbing his stomach slightly. "Are you alright?" asked Akame as she swam over to him, a look of concern on her beautiful face, "yeah I guess" said Hashirama before smiling. The water was refreshingly cool on the hot day. "Alright Madara, come on!" called Hashirama, his mood swings were crazy. "Nah I am good" said Madara, hands behind his head as he watched his two friends. " yeah right!" said Akame as she stretched out her hand towards him, Madaras smile fell and turned into an expression of shock as Akame activated Universal pull pulling the boy towards her.

Madara splashed into the water a few inches away from Akame splashing water in her face. Akame and Hashirama laughed as Madara emerged from under the water with an unhappy expression on his face, which only made Madara mad. "Hey, that was cheating!" he yelled at Akame who held up her hands defensively. "Oh come on! You're having fun don't lie '' replied the girl as she splashed water at the boy who in turn dived under the water to avoid her splash which hit Hashirama in the face.

Hashirama frantically rubbed at his face trying to get the water out of his eyes as Akame let out a scream as she was pulled under the water. Madara Held the girl underwater for a bit till she began to frantically squirm. Letting her go he emerged for air. Akame coughed and Hashirama laughed with Madara. "You two are so mean" she coughed out before joining the boys in their laughter.

The sun began to set and the coldness of the water bagen to get to their bones. They had spent all day goofing around and were now tired and cold. The three reached the beach where they tagged out of the water dripping. The weight of their clothes felt like three tons. The three collapsed on the sand next to one another staring up at the sky in exhaustion. "I hope things never change between the three of us"said Akame as she sucked in air and glanced to either side of her."yeah I hope the only thing that changes is that the war ends and then we could all live near one another" said Hashirama his black eyes staring into Akame's green ones."you two are dreamers"said Madara gaining both their attention. Madara stared up at the darkening sky "war will always exist, the only thing you can do is try and keep the ones you care about close and hope they survive. Peace is so far off we will probably never see it" continued the boy without looking at the others.

Akame frowned sorrowfully, she knew he had lost many people close to him including three of his brothers and that was why he doubted peace. "Even if we don't see peace, if we can help bring it, that will be worth it" said Akame as she sat up and looked down at Madara. Madara remained quiet as he gazed up at her. Her long hair clung to her as did her clothes revealing just how small and curvy her body was. Madara blinked a few times and quickly looked away, heat rising to his cheeks. Hashirama laughed, spotting the slight flush in Madara's cheeks. "Hey are you okay?" asked Akame as she looked down at Madara. "I-I'm fine" said the male sitting up quickly and looking at his lap so that his hair would cover his face.

Hashirama laughed harder, Akame was oblivious and Madara was shy, two things he thought he would never see. "What's so funny?" asked the two in sync as they both looked at him. Hashirama shrugged as he sat up, "I probably should get going," said the boy as he looked over at his friends."Yeah us too, come on Princess, your mom will be worried," said Madara as he stood up, refusing to look at Akame. Hashirama wore a face of confusion, Princess?

Madara had never addressed Akame directly in all the time he knew the two and now when he did he didn't call her by her name, was he missing something."yeah" said Akame standing from the ground and ringing out her clothes."Princess?"question Hashirama Madara who froze as Akame hummed as if someone just called her. "Oh, it's a nickname," said Akame with a smile. Madara sighed and rolled his eyes."Come on" he said as he walked towards the forest. Akame ran after him, waving over her shoulder at Hashirama, a bright smile on her face that he would never forget.

Hashirama's black orbs opened to a dark room. He must have fallen asleep and recalled that memory. A bizarre one it was. Chuckling Hashirama got to his feet he missed moments like those. Moment when Madara was happy, flustered even. Moments when Akame was around smiling. But she was gone, and the boy he once knew, with her.

Hey guys sorry this chapter was shortand a bit of a filler It took me forever to write this chapter Because I was struggling with writers block. In truth I have been really busy this week with my knew job and school.

I would love to hear from you all, see what you think of the story. get some much needed feedback. I am open to suggestions as to what should happen.

you can leave a comment who just message me.

love Foxy

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